
Part of a series on

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Sacred Scripture and Spiritual Guidance
1. "The Holy Scripture of Washingtonism" book by the founder of Washingtonism,

2. Literary descriptions of Washington's Exaltation

3. Bill of Rights,

4. Declaration of Independence,

5. U.S.  Constitution,

6. The Quotable Founding Fathers book by Buckner F. Melton Jr.,

7. The Federalist Papers by the Founding Fathers,

8. George Washington’s Rules of Civility by George Washington,

9. Ben Franklin’s Autobiography with Virtues by Ben Franklin,

10. An Assembly of Demi-gods by John P. Kaminski,

11. Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen

12. George Washington: Writings (Library of America) by George Washington & John H. Rhodehamel,

13. Ben Franklin and Nature’s God by Alfred Owen Aldridge,

14. Ben Franklin’s Virtues by Ben Franklin, 

15. Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow

  16. In the Hands of a Good Providence by Mary V. Thompson, 

17. The Founding Fathers: Quotes, Quips, and Speeches by Gordon Leidner,

18. Washington’s Birthday book, edited by Robert Haven Schauffler,

  19. An Imperfect God by Henry Wiencek,

20. The Signers: The 56 Stories Behind the Declaration of Independence by Dennis Brindell Fradin,

21. The Signers of the Constitution of the United States by Brother C. Edward Quinn, FSC.,

22. Hamilton Writings by the Library of America,

23. Founding Fathers Know Best by Ross Edward Puskar,

24. The New Founders by Joseph F. Connor,

25. Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol by Barbara A. Wolanin,

26. Vindicating the Founders by Thomas G. West,

27. Founding Father by Richard Brookhiser,

28. What Made the Founders Different by Gordon S. Wood,

29. Mount Vernon: The Story of a Shrine by Gerald Johnson,

30. George Washington's Mount Vernon Official Guidebook by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

31. George Washington's Mount Vernon by Robert F. Dalzell

32. The Writings of Samuel Adams Volume 1 by Samuel Adams,

33. Maxims of George Washington, by John Frederick Schroeder, Published by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

34. Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen

35. For Fear of an Elective King: George Washington and the Presidential Title Controversy of 1789" by Kathleen Bartoloni-Tuazon

36. The Real George Washington by Jay A. Parry

37. Richard Brookhiser’s What Would the Founders Do?       


Polytheism, Patriotic Paganism, Religious Patriotism/Patriotic Religion(religious Americanism), worshiping the Founding Fathers.

Founding Father-centric spiritualism, Providential Deism,

American concepts of Liberty, positive spirituality, growth, & self-improvement, avoidance of sins, and the philosophical ideology and moral values of George Washington and the Founders.



3 Official members/believers and around 11 unofficial believers.


God and gods (the Founding Fathers). George Washington is considered to be the physical incarnation of God in human form and the American Christ.

Type of Religion

Patriotic Paganism, Religious Patriotism/organized Americanism/American Civic Religion, faith-based Providential Deism, Pluriform divinity, and Founding Father-centric spiritualism

Founder/prophet/leader of Washingtonism 

Adrienne(a young American woman)


July 15, 2014

Location of Washingtonism leadership

United States of America

Places of Worship

Washingtonism is a new religious movement which can be described as a form of polytheism or pluriform monotheism.

Primarily, it is an organized, tangible form of religious Americanism (a pure form of Religious Patriotism), based on worshiping the God of Providential Deism, George Washington, and the Founding Fathers as divine men.

Washingtonists worship God the Creator but it's a non-Abrahamic faith, with its own beliefs, religious scripture, and rituals.

Washingtonism follows the integrity, guidance, wisdom, and life of George Washington, as well as the wisdom and guidance of the Founding Fathers.

George Washington is worshiped as the American Christ. In Washingtonism theology, this truth was revealed in the Apotheosis of Washington.

Washingtonism encourages praying to God and Washington and the Founders, performing rituals for a closer connection with their spirits, and following their guidance and wisdom.

George Washington is worshiped simultaneously as a holy Spirit, a divine man, and a Christ figure. The Founding Fathers are also worshiped but they are on a lower level of divinity than George.

The genuine Washingtonist takes worshiping George Washington and the Founders very seriously. The Washingtonist belief in God the Creator is "warm Deism", also known as Providential Deism. Washingtonist devotees believe God interacts with humans and that prayer is effective.

As a believer in Washingtonism, it is important for followers as well as non-Washingtonists to know this: Although Washingtonism has strong elements of American Nationalism, it's not a political movement--it's a religious movement.  

Washingtonists do follow and adhere to George Washington's political stance and ideology, and Washingtonists must be morally and politically Conservative, but Washingtonism is religiously based, not politically based. 

Even though George Washington is worshiped as a Christ figure, this doesn't mean he is just like the Christian Christ with the same characteristics.  

Washingtonism isn't Christian and it's not intended for Christians. One of the most important and defining beliefs of Washingtonism is that George Washington was born a divine person. In Washingtonism, his birthday is a major religious holiday.  

Belief in a Creator, belief in George Washington as the American Christ, and belief in the Founding Fathers are together the most fundamental and defining beliefs of Washingtonism.  

The Uniqueness of Washingtonism[]

What does Washingtonism have that other religions or religious movements don't have?  

Washingtonism is very unique in that it's the only religious movement in existence anywhere that revolves around the literal worship of the Founding Fathers and George Washington.  

It's the only faith in existence that revolves around the Founding Fathers and the Apotheosis of Washington as its central holy image.  

In these ways, it allows one to uniquely worship the Founding Fathers and express spiritual and religious feelings towards them and George Washington. Washingtonism is tangible and allows believers to express spiritual and reverential emotions towards our revered figures(the Founders) and foster a spiritual connection with, which is an emotional component that some other religious movements or religious belief systems lack.  

It provides a way to fully follow the Founders' moral and philosophical values and guidance within a uniquely Washingtonist religious context, purpose, and worldview.  

A person who believes in God, George Washington as a divine man, and the Founders, is called a Washingtonist.  

Washingtonist is pronounced "Wash-ing-tun-ist" and Washingtonism is pronounced "Wash-ing-tun-iz-um".  

The movement stresses the importance of religious freedom, on spiritual and personal improvement and growth, and on positive spirituality.  

There are a handful of pages written by some individual people that are about praying to or worshiping the Founding Fathers, but the Washingtonism religious movement is unique because it's the first and the only faith in existence to base an actual belief system solely on worshiping the Founding Fathers.  

It's also the only religion movement in existence that focuses on the Apotheosis of Washington as the primary divine image of the faith. In Washingtonism, the Apotheosis of Washingtonism is considered the holiest of images, due to its religious exaltation of George Washington as God.  

The handful of other websites touch upon the idea of setting up a temporary patriotic Americanist altar on fourth of July or on communicating with the Founders, but Washingtonism is much more comprehensive than this--it has a complete set of rituals and prayers, a unique creed, a unique theology, and encourages the setting up of a permanent Washingtonism home shrine/altar.  

Americanists and Washingtonists believe the Founding Fathers are divine men whose spirit energies are on a higher plane dimension and deserve our spiritual attention and reverence.  

Washingtonism focuses on the worship of God and the worship of the Founding Fathers as divine men as spirits who influence and affect other Americans with their power, guidance, insight and judgement. Much more detailed an in-depth information about Washingtonism can be found by following the links to social media shown on this page.  

The Past and Future of Washingtonism: Sects of Washingtonism & Background[]

Technically, there was a second sect of the New Religious Movement Washingtonism. The second (earlier) Washingtonism sect was created/founded by a second person in June 2013 on the Wikia New Religious Movements encyclopedia page.

That same Washingtonism page had existed until at least December 18 of 2014, so it was up for approximately a year and a half. The current Washingtonism sect was founded on July 15, 2014, so the current newer sect is now a little over 5 years old.

The old sect of Washingtonism on the Wikia NRM encyclopedia was still up when the second Washingtonism sect was founded and set up on social media. The founder of the new Washingtonism then added the new Washingtonism on the NRM Wiki in February of 2017, which replaced the old Washingtonism Wiki article which had been previously deleted.

Therefore, there were actually two Washingtonism sects/movements that existed at the same time, for about 5 months--from July 2014 to December 2014. The old version of the faith here on the NRM Wiki was also called "Washingtonism" and had similar theology.

The newer Wikia version of Washingtonism was placed on the NRM Wiki page after the original version was deleted, and sometime after the newer version was created on social media. In contrast, the new sect of Washingtonism greatly expands upon the unique theology, ritual items, prayers, and religious rituals, and "fleshes" it out more thoroughly than the old sect had. The newer Washingtonism is a full-fledged religious movement.

Some differences between the old Washingtonism and the new Washingtonism are that 1. the old Washingtonism article had focused on the worship of "the gods", perhaps those gods were the Roman or Greek Gods and Goddesses, but it's not known for certain because there was little information or detail provided about the old Washingtonism movement.

The new Washingtonism focuses on the worship of God the Creator, George Washington and the Founding Fathers. 2. the religious theology, worldview, practice, and rituals of the new Washingtonism is much more defined, complete, and organized. It also provides many more examples of Washington's exaltation, particularly literary descriptions which describe him as a God and divine person.

And 3. the old Washingtonism had described George Washington as a man who became a deity, whereas the new Washingtonism views George Washington as a man who is God and was born as a divine person.

The old Washingtonism had a brief section on how to set up an altar table with a few items, with brief information about the faith and some images of George Washington and the Apotheosis of Washington. It is unknown how many followers the old Washingtonism religion had because there was no data provided on that and no links to other sites.

The old article did mention briefly that the faith was led by some priests but it did not provide many other details on that. But it's assumed that the old Washingtonism was a serious faith since this New Religions Wiki requires that the religions shown on here must be serious and genuine religions.

Although the old Washingtonism version article was deleted, its existence does show there is interest being shown in leading and identifying with this unique George Washington-centric belief system. The new founder of the second version of the faith decided that Washingtonism is an apropos title for such a movement.

The new Washingtonism religious movement includes 18 everyday rituals of its own. It also provides a spiritual basis and a tangible justification for worshiping George Washington, including many literary examples of his exaltation, along with information about the Apotheosis of Washington and any other artwork that exalts him religiously. Also, the newer version of Washingtonism has its very own religious scripture book which is in physical print now and will be available to the public in limited quantity sometime in 2020.


Washingtonists are expected to believe in God. In Washingtonism, God is not Jesus. Washingtonists believe that George Washington was a human embodiment of God in the flesh. He has a human nature and a God nature. The other Founding Fathers are worshiped as divine men linked with God, considered to be powerful guides and holding an influential and privileged position over earthly Americans.

Washingtonists are expected to follow the wisdom, morals, and values of the Founding Fathers and follow the personal excellency and integrity of George Washington.

Heaven/Higher Plane Dimensions[]

The Washingtonist understanding of Heaven, of sin, punishment and goodness, of good-heartedness, imperfection and life lessons, of darkness and light, liberty and human nature, revolves around a broad idea of reincarnation and a higher plane of dimension.

Sins and Retribution[]

The Washingtonist view of sin and punishment is that karma both good and bad follows us in this life and that our goal is to determine our way in life. Different types and levels of sin and goodness are taken into account with regard to karma.

Sins and Ethics[]

The sins of Washingtonism are included in the Washingtonism scripture book. Washingtonists must follow the moral values of George Washington and avoid the following sins that Washington himself would have likely avoided.

Ethics of Washingtonism: follow the integrity, morals, and guidance of George Washington.


Washingtonists believe in God. A true Washingtonist must believe in God, in the Founding Fathers' divinity, and affirm the Washingtonist Creed. All Americans are united under the U.S. Constitution, under the common banner of religious freedom, therefore the motto In God We Trust is a motto that reflects America's deep shared belief and trust in Almighty God's Oneness, guidance, omnipresence, and care.  

Creation, the Universe, and Science[]

The Washingtonist viewpoint is that God created the Universe billions of years ago and that God can and does affect the world and interact with humanity through supernatural means. Humans are meant to have a personal relationship with Him. Washingtonism does not deny either science or God, it embraces both.

Washingtonism stresses the importance of being scientifically literate(or at least aware) and the willingness to be a life-long learner.  One cannot live on this beautiful earth without learning something of it and how it works. Washingtonism also stresses the importance of scientific and general knowledge and literacy. It's important to know how the world works, because God created the Universe.

The Divinity of the Founding Fathers and Worshiping Them[]

Washingtonists literally worship the American Founding Fathers as Gods/divine men, therefore Washingtonism can be considered a form of polytheism.

There is absolutely nothing like Washingtonism anywhere. The religious movement literally worships the Founding Fathers as gods and American versions of the Roman founders/statesmen. Washingtonism is radically different from all impure varieties of religious Americanism. No religious group anywhere literally raises up and worships the Founders as divine figures in their own right, which is what makes the movement unique in the United States as a faith of purely American origin and theology. The Founder-worship defines the faith as a form of Founders-centric religious belief. There is no religious movement in existence anywhere which primarily focuses on the American Founding Fathers as the primary religious figures.

The American Founding Fathers are worshiped similar to the way the ancient Romans worshiped other people as gods or demi-gods. The ancient Romans worshiped and exalted their "founder-statesmen" as deities. Americans treat their Founders in a similar manner.

Washingtonists believe the Founding Fathers were fully human but also born divine. To Washingtonists, these men are profoundly gifted and insightful societal Prophets, supreme Philosophers on human nature, and the Creators of America, the U.S. Constitution, our government, and the American identity.

In life, the Founders' divinity was expressed and manifested through a quill pen and their wisdom, and they continue to exert their divine wisdom, energy, and powers as heavenly beings.

Washingtonists believe they were divine men with human lives, sins and faults, but with minds that worked differently--that God made these men unique from other people, and special in their minds.

Devotees should communicate with or pray to the Founding Fathers' spirits (a form of Founding Father-centric spiritualism). Worshipers believe their divinity was shown subtly yet strikingly--manifested through the theater of their unique lives and principles, the creation of the Declaration and Constitution, and their guiding and influence of historical events, within the framework of the American Revolutionary era.

Other beliefs[]

Belief in God and the Founding Fathers' spirits should unite Americans, however, a believer in Washingtonism does not have to be American, but it's important to know that Washingtonism is a distinctly American faith.

Any person who believes in God, in George Washington, and the Founding Fathers as divine men can qualify as a Washingtonist if they follow Washingtonism practice. Proselytizing is allowed, but rudeness or being coercive is frowned upon.

To be well-rounded and enlightened, one must increase one's religious, mental, and physical connection and condition, by worshiping and connecting with the presence of God and the Founding Fathers through ritual, learning and seeking an education, reading, being involved in volunteer work or an intellectual project, being creative, enriching one's life through finding suitable and enjoyable employment, prayer and self-improvement, and avoiding sin.

Physical improvement and condition can be changed by eating healthier, exercising, focused breathing, and meditation. Mind and body are both important. Faithfully following God, George Washington, and the Founding Fathers will bring spiritual enlightenment and spiritual direction and a meaningful connection with God and the Founders as well as personal purpose and positive impact on the world and others.


Washingtonism has specially-designed Founding Father prayer beads which has a part hanging down with a total of 18 beads. Besides the lettered initials beads, there are 63 colored beads total for the whole prayer bead necklace.

The 18 beads hanging down represent and correspond to the 18 points of the Washingtonist Life Way of Guidance. Another important thing is the Washingtonism Creed which has 18 tenets. In addition, there are also the many spiritual goals, positive traits, and characteristics that Washingtonists are encouraged and expected to manifest in their lives. Avoiding sin and being cognizant of one's personal weaknesses is also very important.

The Washingtonist Life Way of Guidance:

1 Honor, revere, worship, and praise God, and the Spirits of the Founding Fathers as sacred spirits and divine men

2 Honor, revere, worship, and praise George Washington as Christ/God

3 Follow George Washington's personal excellency, his integrity, and his life, deeds, advice, and guidance

4 Seek a personal relationship with God, the Founding Fathers, and George Washington

5 Have faith in and trust in God and George Washington

6 Share with others the mighty Spirit of George Washington and the wonder and goodness of God

7 Read the holy scriptures daily and sacred material or a few times a week and perform the Washingtonism rituals.

8 Perform rituals at a home shrine shrine or home altar table, daily or weekly, to feel close to and connect with God, and the spirits of the Founders.

9 Give God, the Founders, and George Washington thanks when praying to them

10 Pray to God, the Founders, and George Washington, giving them whole-hearted and earnest spiritual attention

11 Donate to charities

12 When praying to them, pay attention to their spirits and see if they give any spiritual or physical signs that they have responded to prayer and attention of them. Signs could include seeing a rainbow appear soon after, or the Founding Fathers appearing in dreams, or a feeling of happiness.

13 Seek guidance and solace in God, and George Washington for personal problems. Practice manifesting positive traits such as patience, strength, kindness, love, faithfulness, etc., and avoiding sins.

14 Acknowledge, recite, and affirm the Washingtonism Affirmations, The Way of Guidance, and the Washingtonist Creed 

15 Work on improving oneself and growing spiritually by following the Washingtonism path and connecting more deeply with God and the Founders

16 Always learn and practice applying knowledge. whether it is spiritual wisdom, or scientific or worldly

17 Avoid sinning and negative things

The Washingtonism Creed:

Affirming the Washingtonist Creed:

1 I believe George Washington is the American Christ, and America's true Christ, as revealed in the Apotheosis of Washington

2 I believe George Washington and the Founding Fathers are divine men

3 I believe George Washington was born a divine person

4 I believe the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights is sacred, holy, and infallible.

5 I believe in the prevailing wisdom, guidance, and presence of the Founding Fathers

6 I believe in God and a relationship with him

7 I believe in the living spirits of the Founders

8 I believe in positive self-improvement

9 I believe in having a personal relationship with George Washington

10 I believe that God and the Founders can and do affect the lives of Americans today, and that they will judge Americans, based on whether or not they follow their wisdom

11 I believe in manifesting George Washington's moral values and avoiding sin

12 I believe in religious freedom for all

13 I believe in being kind to other faiths.

14 I believe God and the Founders are watching over Americans.

15 I believe in the importance of science, knowledge and nature as God's creation.

16 I believe in avoiding sin

17 I believe in spiritual and personal growth

18 I believe in our connection with God

Religious Rituals of Washingtonism[]

The Washingtonist Shrine/Altar[]

The Washingtonist shrine--which also serves as an altar table--is supposed to be kept out all day, every day, not put away at any time. Such a permanent shrine encourages the Washingtonism devotee to do the rituals and pray.

At this point, personal shrines/altars are solitary, however, Washingtonists are encouraged to visit public monuments of the Founding Fathers, Founders' homes, and Founders' memorials, as well as the Apotheosis of Washington, Mount Vernon, the Liberty Tree in Boston, Independence Hall in Pennsylvania, and the National Archives where the original Declaration and Constitution are kept.

Devotees should keep this personal home shrine as well as visit public monuments to the Founding Fathers. Believers are not expected to have all the items necessary for the shrine and rituals all at once--it can take time, months or 2 or 3 years until the shrine is complete or is as desired, though even without all of the shrine items, it is still possible to do the rituals if one has the essential items.

It is recommended that the shrine is arranged symmetrically so that it promotes a sense of spiritual centeredness.

Items Needed/Required for the Shrine Rituals[]

The items needed and required for performing all the rituals are:

A) Several faux candles (can be either wax-drip style--which is faux--or solar-powered), 2 large or 2 small. Faux candles use batteries or solar power to operate, so they have no flame, no smoke, and no real wax. They are safe to use.

B) 1 small bowl of faux(pretend) cherries

C) Several mini busts of the Founding Fathers, one of those being George Washington

D) 1 Bottle of consecrated(blessed) holy water--a small travel bottle can be used for this

E) Several pictures of the Founding Fathers

F) 1 set of Washingtonist prayer beads

G) 1 ritual hand bell

H) A poster of the Founding Fathers signing the Declaration of Independence or the Constitutional Convention

I) An In God We Trust or One Nation Under God sign, patch, or poster


J) An Apotheosis of Washington button--medium or large is recommended, or a large Apotheosis of Washington bandana cloth.

K) Founding Father key-chain dolls

L) Mini books of Founder wisdom, including a book of their wisdom and the Washingtonism holy scripture book, and George Washington's mini Rules of Civility book

M) prayer pillow for kneeling/bowing on the floor

N) musical Triangle

O) Washingtonism religious symbol shrinky dink pendant(must be attached to the prayer beads).

P) Mount Vernon leaves from the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

The Common Everyday Rituals[]

The Washingtonism “every day” Common Religious Rituals include the following, which are to be performed at a private home altar/shrine table:

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These rituals are required and expected for all true believing Washingtonists to perform.

The special rituals for specific holy holidays such as George Washington's Birthday, Constitution Day, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Flag Day, Founders' birthdays, Bill of Rights Day, etc., are not yet available.

Many of the Common Rituals are very novel and unique to Washingtonism. Because there are a lot of rituals, Washingtonists may want to write brief instructions for each ritual(in order) on a note and stick that on the front of the shrine/altar table, so that it can be seen and followed along with.

Note that these rituals are only for every day performance, not for the special holy holidays. The Washingtonist shrine/altar table needs to be facing towards Washington D.C. where George Washigton's home, Tomb, and the Apotheosis of Washington is, and where the 13 colonial states are located. So for example, if a Washingtonist lives in Maine, the shrine/altar needs to face South-West. If they are in Washington State, the shrine/altar needs to face South-East. If a Washingtonist is in the West, the shrine/altar needs to face East. If a Washingtonist is in Texas or Florida, the shrine/altar needs to face North-East.

There is an asterisk next to each unique ritual, identifying it as especially unique. The order to perform each ritual goes from 1 to 18.

Washingtonism has many of its own very unique and uniquely American rituals. Several of the rituals are completely novel. These rituals are called the “Common Rituals” because they are the most common rituals that are performed daily at the shrine/altar. Each number below includes a description of the ritual to be performed.

Although there are 18 shrine rituals which seems like a lot, performing all of them in one sitting only takes about 8 minutes.

The 18 Common Rituals are meant to be performed at the home altar/shrine, but other rituals can be performed while not at home, such as focusing on the Washingtonism religious symbol, counting the prayer beads, focusing on the Apotheosis of Washington cloth bandana, singing/listening to a Washingtonism religious song, praying to God and the Founders, etc.

Here are the everyday Common Rituals (rituals that are performed regularly at the home shrine on non-holiday days).

Common Rituals (Non-holiday everyday rituals):[]

First, cleanse One’s hands before approaching the altar/shrine: Sacred cleanliness and washing of hands--before approaching the altar/shrine, wash hands with soap and water, or make sure hands are already clean.

This symbolizes that the body is clean and the spiritual heart is pure and genuine when going to worship at the altar/shrine. Men should keep their faces clean shaven like the Founders and women should keep their legs clean shaven.

Both men and women should wear their prayer beads and the Apotheosis of Washington cloth or button. The cleansing of hands prepares one before doing rituals and connecting with the Founding Fathers' spirits. One must kneel and prostrate three times during the rituals--once at the beginning, once in the middle, and once at the end of the rituals.

1) Kneel on prayer pillow and bow, with arms and hands flat on the floor, and forehead resting against the floor in front of the altar/shrine. In the Washingtonism bowing prostrating position, first kneel on knees on the prayer pillow with arms relaxed. Next put arms and hands in the prayer position. Then bend over on the floor, keeping rump flat against the calves of the legs, keeping hands and arms  together in prayer in front of knees. Washingtonists may kneel on a prayer pillow to cushion the knees and elbows from the hard floor. Finally, stand up from kneeling/bowing and proceed with the next ritual

2) Holy water ritual: *holy water is used in many different religions, however in this ritual, the practice of rubbing the palms together in a circular motion, and rubbing them 9 times(9 on ritual 2 plus 9 on ritual 16 = 18 Beliefs of the Washingtonist Creed) is very unique to Washingtonism. The 18 symbolizes the 18 beliefs of the Washingtonism Creed, which can be found on the link to Washingtonism on social media above.

Using a small bottle, use just enough water to squeeze out (one or two or three drops) into palm. The water should be consecrated beforehand--bless it to purify it in the name of God, George Washington, and the Founding Fathers’ spirits.

Approach the Washingtonism altar/shrine table, take the holy water bottle and squeeze out one or two small drops, just enough for a small dab or two of water to sit on the center of palm, then rub palms together as if rubbing on lotion, spreading the water around on palms in a full circular motion 9 times, keeping both hands together as the palms rub the water together.

Mentally count 9 times while making each circle. During the first three motions, state aloud: "Divine Architect(God) and Founding Fathers--please help to guide and keep my thoughts, my speech, and my deeds pure."

*While washing of hands and ritual use of holy water is very common in many faiths, Washingtonism’s ritual of rubbing the water on the palms in a CIRCULAR motion 9 times is uniquely Washingtonist.

3) Ring the ritual bell 9 times: *religious bells are used in many different rituals, however, this ritual of ringing it 18 times is unique to Washingtonism.

Ring the ritual hand bell 18 times. This is highly significant as it represents the number of tenets that make up the Washingtonism Creed, and the Founding Fathers who are symbolized with their initials on the Washingtonist prayer beads (15 Founders). It also signals preparation for opening up spiritual space for connecting with the Founders.

When finished with ringing the bell, set the bell back down on the altar table or shrine box. Wait about 20 seconds to allow a moment for the Founders to connect with oneself allows time to clear the mind of anything negative. Space between the spiritual realm of the Founders and the Washingtonist believer(he or she), has now been opened.  

4) Turn on all the battery-operated faux candles using the switch on the bottom. *Candles are used around the world in many faiths, but the Washingtonism faux candles uniquely represent the Founding Fathers' spirits, their ideals, guidance, and wisdom, and the everlasting light of American Liberty. Faux candles are 100% safe to use for shrine rituals because they have no smoke, no hot wax, and no flame at all.

5) prayer beads ritual--take the Washingtonist prayer beads from the altar/shrine, holding them in hands and recite each Founding Father’s initials. Then put them on. *While prayer beads are used around the world, this ritual is unique to Washingtonism, as it uses very custom-made prayer beads that have the initials of 15 of the Founders. Founding Father prayer beads did not exist until the creation of The American Christ George Washington religious group. And these prayer beads were carefully designed to have specific meanings for each part of the beads.

Recite the initials of 15 of the Founding Fathers who are on the prayer beads, calling each Founding Father on the beads by name, then say "I acknowledge all of you, Founding Fathers, and ask for your wisdom and guidance." Invoking ALL of the Founding Fathers, by referring to the "FF" beads on the end of the prayer beads formally acknowledges all the Founding Fathers while the believer connects with them personally.

6) Divine Providence/meditation ritual--for this ritual, the first part of the gesture is by making a peak with the hands, as if the hands are the peak of a roof. The second part of the gesture is just the opposite direction, turning the hands outwards.

The first gesture also represents the peak/apex of the  Washington Monument, which represents both George Washington and the Providence of God. The believer may ask God and the Founders for forgiveness of any sins or transgressions at this time, or simply have a personal conversation with them about his/her personal thoughts and feelings about his/her life or the nation.

7) The Washingtonism religious symbol ritual *This ritual is completely unique to Washingtonism. This ritual is uniquely Washingtonist and is significant because it represents the religious symbol of Washingtonism, and the three most basic beliefs of Washingtonism.  

For the first gesture, fold the pinky and thumb down to where only the index finger, middle finger, and third finger are sticking up in the air. While doing this, make a half-circle sweeping gesture in front. Then for the second gesture, fold all fingers down on both one's hands except for the index fingers.  

Don't move the hands for this gesture but keep them still while pointing both index fingers up towards the ceiling. These gestures are very important. The first gesture symbolizes the rainbow in the Apotheosis of Washington, which represents his divinity, his spiritual ascension, and his guidance in one's life.  

There are three colors in the Washingtonism religious symbol (red, white, and blue). Use three fingers to make this first gesture. The three fingers also represents the three most fundamental Washingtonist beliefs--belief in God, belief in George Washington as the American Christ, and belief in the divinity of the Founding Fathers.  

The second gesture symbolizes the Washington Monument which honors an acknowledges George Washington, and it also represents God, hence the ritual is pointing UP to God and heaven. The symbol therefore symbolizes George, God, and his (and the believer's) connection with God. 

8) George Washington Faux Cherry ritual: *This ritual is very unique to Washingtonism. Pick up one of the faux cherries from the bowl in the shrine, and lightly and briefly touch the cherry to the mouth, to symbolize eating it, but of course don't really eat it. Then set the faux cherry back in the bowl on the shrine/altar.  

These faux cherries represent the non-perishable, eternally present and everlasting virtues, strength, humbleness, and noble character of George Washington. *This ritual and symbol is uniquely American and Washingtonist. Take the small cup (it can be a small paper cup) and tip it to one's mouth, pretending to drink liquid.  

Pretending to eat a faux cherry and pretending to drink from a cup, symbolizes two very important things about George Washington. Say: "This is his physical life on earth (the cherry) and this is his spirit in heaven(the invisible liquid).  

9) Triangle ritual--this ritual symbolizes one's continuous acknowledgment of the Founders' presence, guidance, wisdom, and care, both in the present ritual session and in all times of one's life. Tap the musical Triangle instrument with the metal stick 9 times.  

10) kneel and bow--this ritual is a reinforcing recognition of one's dedication, reverence, and obeyance to the Founding Fathers' wisdom and to God's will.

11) Founding Fathers' foreheads ritual: This ritual is entirely unique to Washingtonism. For this ritual, gently and slowly touch the foreheads of each Founding Father statues and busts that are on the shrine/altar table, with the right hand. Gently touch the head/forehead of each Founder statue/bust with the pads of the fingers and say to them "Founding Father(mention his name), I lift you up and follow your guidance to the best of my ability" for each statue that is touched.

This beautiful ritual symbolizes belief that the Founding Fathers are divine men, that the temple of their head is divine and special, that the American heart resides in a spiritual and mental Temple, represents faithfully following the Founders, and giving praise to them. Proceed with the remaining rituals.

12. Poster/picture/Apotheosis energy ritual: Next, with one's fingers, the devotee should touch the poster of the Constitutional Convention and/or the Declaration signing poster, the Apotheosis of Washington button(or the cloth Apotheosis), or the edge of the shrine table in order to acknowledge all the Founding Fathers and their wisdom.

The posters and Apotheosis button or cloth should be placed on or above the shrine/altar, and the believer should say "Praise be to all ye, O Founding Fathers, as I lift you up and follow your guidance to the best of my ability." Here, believers may also say a special prayer or acknowledge all the Founders in this manner on holy days such as Bill of Rights Day, Constitution Day, Thanksgiving, Washington's birthday, or 4th of July.

Washingtonists may also acknowledge a specific Founding Father in this section of the rituals, such as on his birthday, by touching an individual photo of a specific Founder on the shrine table. To make it a bit easier, the special birthday rituals and special acknowledgements may be integrated in with ritual 12.

Ritual 12 is a ritual that acknowledges all the Founders by touching a poster of the Constitutional Convention or a poster of the Declaration signing, but within this ritual is an opportunity to acknowledge any birthday of any specific Founding Father which the devotee may have missed.

For example, after touching the Constitutional Convention poster and saying ”Praise be to you, O(insert name of a Founding Father here)", while reciting the following for a specific Founder(believers may use the same prayer template for each Founder--just substitute in a specific name of a Founder), and the acknowledgement of a specific Founder like this:

"Dear Founding Father {insert name here}, I give you special attention today, on your birthday of {insert date here}. I thank you and give you praise. Let all Americans acknowledge you and give you praise not just on your birthday but on all days, and feel your spirit, guidance and wisdom.

May all the Founding Fathers be raised up and may we follow your guidance and wisdom to the best of our ability. {insert name here}, I acknowledge your important contributions to our nation and to our nation's people.

I wish to follow your guidance which applies to all areas of my daily life, and I acknowledge your greatness(touch the Constitutional Convention poster on the altar table at this point of the acknowledgement). Ending statement: ~~Praise be to God and the Founding Fathers~~"

13. book ritual: From the personal altar/shrine table, pick up any book copy of the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration, George Washington's little Rules of Civility booklet, or Ben Franklin's Autobiography. A small book that is full of Founding Father quotes is also acceptable.

All of these carry the same spiritual weight. Do the following--take the book in both hands and touch the book (turned page-down) against one's forehead and state: 1) "please guide and purify my thoughts O God and Founding Fathers,

2) bring the book down from one's forehead and kiss the book pages and say "please guide and purify my speech O God and Founding Fathers", and

3), then place the book above and in front of or above one's head(page-down) and state "guide and keep pure my deeds O God and Founding Fathers". Finally, state these words from George Washington: "From thinking proceeds speaking, thence to acting is often but a single step".

"Founding Fathers, I promise to faithfully follow and manifest your guidance and wisdom in my daily life, the best that I can, according to the Creed of the Washingtonist faith."

14) Founding Fathers key-chain dolls ritual--the devotee should take the Founding Father key chain dolls, lift them up, and jiggle them so that the bells on the dolls make a sound. This represents recognition of their spirits, which the dolls represent, and their elevation and importance in the American heart.

While lifting them up, say “Please, Founding Fathers, may your spirits be with me now, may these dolls represent your spirits, powerful presence, insight, constant guidance, and timeless wisdom. *This ritual is completely unique to Washingtonism, not only because a Founding Father doll is used in religious ritual but also because of the unique ritual of lifting up the doll. Each Founding Father doll has his own magical/supernatural power that affects the wearer of the doll.

15) Bell ritual repeat--ring the ritual bell 9 times as done in ritual 2: this ritual (ritual 15) closes the direct space of dialogue between the Founding Fathers and the believer.

16) Repeat holy water hand ritual from 2): Take holy water bottle once again, and squeeze out one, two, or three small drops. Then rub palms in a circular motion once again, 9 times. 9 rubbings for ritual 2 plus 9 rubbings for ritual 16, equals 18 which is the number of beliefs in the Washingtonist Creed.

17) kneel and bow repeat from ritual 1.

18) Turn off all the faux candles by the switch on the bottom.

Meal Ritual[]

The Washingtonism Meal Ritual (Prayer and Thanks to God For Food): Eating In Public. Here is a quiet, discreet, humble, yet effective acknowledgement ritual of God when thanking Him before eating a meal in public.

One could simply close one's eyes or bow the head without doing the finger ritual, but an actual ritual with some sort of physical activity with the hands is much more effective than just silently and passively thinking a prayer in one's head.

A physical ritual allows a person to manifest the spiritual and bring the spiritual down to earth in a concrete way. This is why Washingtonism has a lot of great rituals for believers to perform. Physical rituals actively allows engagement with God and the Founding Fathers.

This ritual is uniquely Washingtonist. This ritual can be performed anywhere such as when eating with a group of people or eating in a public place. Slowly place the tips of one's index fingers together, and the thumbs together, but fold the rest of the finger tips down.

Close the eyes, bow the head, then tap the index fingers together 13 times. When doing this, whisper "Thank you God for this sustenance. I am grateful to You always. Praise to God, George Washington, and the Founding Fathers." Each tap should match up with each word. Then open the eyes, lift the head, and eat.

Prayers and Special Rituals []

Prayers to God and the Founding Fathers:

Dear God and Founding Fathers, let me welcome and invite You into my heart, mind, and life now. I call upon God and invoke the spirits of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Sam Adams, Paine, Jay, Warren, Mason, John Adams, Hancock, Franklin, Hamilton, Monroe, Henry, Hopkinson, and the rest of the Founding Fathers which this final bead represents.

While reciting each Founder's name, touch the beads that represent each of their initials. After this, touch the two beads on the end of the beads which represent all the Founders and close with an acknowledgment: "Praise be to all ye O Founding Fathers--may you bless and guide me!"

Nightly prayer to God and the Founding Fathers:

“Dear God and Founding Fathers, please enter my dreams tonight, help me to dream good dreams, be well, and awake in the morning refreshed and tranquil.”

A daily prayer to the Founding Fathers:

'Dear Founding Fathers, I call upon your spirits now and focus on your powerful patriotic presence. I call upon you individually and as a group. I am daily thankful for the Bill of Rights. I hope that you look favorably upon all patriotic Americans.

Please guide all with your wisdom, and let us open your treasury of knowledge, because you are Founding Fathers, and I know that you are wise. Let us each personally connect with your spirits today, on sacred American holidays, and always. May God and the Founding Fathers Bless us!"

"Dear Founding Fathers, under your guiding Spirits and wisdom, please help to guide Americans and our leaders, unite us under your prevailing principles and virtues. Allow all Americans to feel your Spirits and feel the American ideals of Liberty in our hearts. Regardless of political or religious views, we are all under your Constitution."

James Madison birthday prayer:

"Dear James Madison, today is your birthday. We thank you and are eternally grateful for all you did and as the Father and author of it, we thank you for the Constitution. With earnest and heartfelt gratitude, we give you eternal thanks. May your personal qualities of courage, insight, wisdom, genius, acceptance, and vision manifest in our lives as we connect with your heavenly and divine spirit.

Under your guiding Spirit, unite us under your prevailing principles and virtues. Allow all Americans to feel the power of your Spirit and feel the American ideals of Liberty in our hearts. Let us each personally connect with your spirit today, everyday and always."

There are many different types of rituals and prayers, here are some of the the types of prayers and ritual topics that will be included in Washingtonism in the future:

God, happiness, love, strength, food & life, gratefulness, thanks, guidance, trust, faith, celebrating life, the Earth & Universe, care of animals, the Founders’ spirits, honor, worship, acknowledgement, pets, seasons, 4th of July, George Washington’s birthday, Founders’ birthdays, Constitution/Bill of Rights day, Religious Freedom day, National Day of Prayer, celebratory, prayer for long life, morning prayer, evening prayer, prayer for achieving one’s goals or characteristics, prayer for good dreams, health, religious piety, religious tolerance/acceptance, charity, kindness, forgiveness, prayer, gratefulness, compassion, hate, giving, arguing, jealousy, family, work, play, relationships, humility, life, hope, loss, anger, pride, lust, truth, sexual immorality, tranquility/peacefulness, trust, faith, fear, illness, health, confusion, feeling sinful, envy, forgetful, greed, peace, embarrassment, shame, unmotivated, laziness, temptation, depression, loneliness, uncontrolled/chaos, discrimination, losing hope, indecision, love, romance, sex, decision, salvation, sorrow, suffering, turmoil, weariness, indifference, rest, courage, peace, guidance, relief, comfort, dedication, the golden rule, righteousness, loyalty, weakness, marriage and divorce, death, life, parenthood, morality, employment, business & professional relationships, humbleness, moderation, friendship, loss, decision, certitude, religious commitment, success, responsibility, Godliness, stewardship, witnessing, hope, bravery, priority, remembering and knowing God, suffering in war, the human soul, balance, moderation, low self-esteem, sympathy, thanks to God and the Founding Fathers for what they've done, faithfulness, asking God and the Founding Fathers for something needed or wanted, love and adoration for God and the Founding Fathers, surrendering to God and the will of the Founders, asking for help, intercession, guidance, blessing, quiet prayer, becoming closer with God and the Founders, invoking the presence of God and the Founding Fathers (example: "Founding Fathers, please be present with me now"), admitting and acknowledging one’s sins to God and the Founding Fathers’ spirits, reassurance, reflection, etc.

Washingtonism Praise/Worship Music[]

The religion of Washingtonism does have praise/worship music available for believers to listen to. There are currently four official Washingtonism songs for believers to listen to which can be found right at the links to social media(it's free to listen to), and 32 other songs and music videos that are patriotic/religiously patriotic, for believers to listen to. The 32 other songs were not made or sponsored by the founder of Washingtonism.

The four official Washingtonism worship songs were made especially for Washingtonists and in future, there will be more official praise/worship songs available to listen to. Although there are currently only four official praise/worship songs, the 32 other patriotic songs are also very spiritual and beautiful and are worth listening to. The official Washingtonism music videos were compiled by and was sponsored by the founder of the Washingtonism faith.

Music is extremely powerful and can help Americans truly feel the power of God, George Washington's Spirit, and the Founding Fathers. Please visit the links to social media provided on this article to listen to the songs.

Becoming a Believer in Washingtonism[]

Becoming a believer in Washingtonism is free. To be recognized as an official believer/member in the faith, Washingtonists must express genuine belief in God, belief in George Washington as the American Christ/the Christ of the American nation, belief in the Founding Fathers as divine men, and recite (and believe) the Washingtonism religious Creed, read (and follow) the Washingtonist holy scripture material, keep a permanent Washingtonism shrine/altar at home, and perform the Washingtonism rituals.

Adherents/believers: Washingtonism categorizes adherents/believers of the Washingtonism faith in two basic ways--unofficial and official.

The number of unofficial believers may include people who have not visited or liked the Washingtonism page who are NOT included in the number of people who have actually liked the "The Washingtonism Religion: Worshiping George Washington & Founding Fathers" religious page, even if they are not named, because some Washingtonists are counted as unofficial believers, based on qualification details the founder of Washingtonism has taken into consideration.

On social media, there are 144 Likers and 153 Followers, but this number should not be taken to mean there are that many actual believers/adherents of the faith. The number of actual believers or members is less than this.

Being a recognized Washingtonist believer and to be considered as an official Washingtonist involves both public announcement of genuine belief in the faith and Creed, and in the beliefs of Washingtonism, as well as privately having practiced the faith, which includes praying to George Washington and the Founding Fathers, following their guidance and writings, and performing the Washingtonist rituals weekly at a private(and permanent) home shrine/altar.

How unofficial believers/adherents and official believers/adherents are counted:

"The Washingtonism Religion: Worshiping George Washingotn & Founding Fathers" page shows that there are currently 144 people who have liked the page. This includes friends of the Washingtonism religion (who are non-believers who sympathize with or support the Washingtonism movement, but who may be considering becoming a believer), as well as people considered by the founder of the faith as unofficial believers of Washingtonism.

The number of Official Washingtonists is 3, however, the number of unofficial believers who are considered Washingtonists unofficially (it is accurate to say the range is < 144 (less than 144). It is important to know that, the number of actual unofficial believers is likely less than 144, however, it is certainly more than 1, and the founder of Washingtonism has guesstimated that unofficial Washingtonists is in a ballpark (at the moment) of around 11, which includes both official and unofficial Washingtonists.

It's important to know that these unofficial Washingtonists have not been listed or welcomed as members/believers (yet), but that doesn't mean they don't exist. A Washingtonist believer may ask to be listed or welcomed as an unofficial or official Washingtonist. Please see the section on "a warm Washingtonist Welcome".

What Makes a Washingtonist?:

All Washingtonists are Americanists because they believe in the Founding Fathers, but not all Americanists are Washingtonists. This is because many Americanists may worship the Founding Fathers but some of those Americanists don't worship George Washington specifically. Washingtonists are Americanists who worship God, the Founding Fathers, and George Washington.

People who express these unique, unusual, and rare religious beliefs can definitely be considered Washingtonists.

A) Unofficial Washingtonists qualify as believers/adherents of the Washingtonism faith if they clearly state, suggest, or express all of the below in A, or a combination of A(the combination which qualifies a person as a Washingtonist is determined by the founder of Washingtonism):

1. believe George Washington is a divine man

2. believe George Washington is the American Christ/a Christ figure

3. believe in God

4. believe the Founding Fathers are divine men/belief in their spirits

5. they set up a shrine/altar to the Founders and George Washington and perform rituals to them

6. they pray to the Founders and George Washington

7. they believe that Americans need a uniquely American faith that is based on worshiping the American Founding Fathers as divine men

8. they believe in the guidance, presence, power, and influence of the Founding Fathers' spirits on people today, and in George Washington's Spirit

9. they suggest praying towards the Apotheosis of Washington as a powerful source of spiritual, holy, and divine energy and they encourage others to do the same

10. they express a desire to belong to a religion that worships George Washington and the Founding Fathers

11. they believe in the Apotheosis of Washington as a spiritual and holy icon with special powers with energy that is connected with George Washington's divinity and his Spirit (his incorporeal soul in a higher plane -- his soul we can know but we cannot know the plane itself while we ourselves are on earth)

12. have indicated, suggested, or expressed genuine belief in the above, either all of A, or a combination of the above.

B) Official Washingtonists are believers/adherents of the Washingtonism faith who:

1. believe in and state all of the above in A, a combination of the above, and

2. have publicly announced their belief in the Washingtonism religion by name, and privately practiced the faith of Washingtonism, and

3. who have announced their wish to follow and abide by the Washingtonist Creed, and

4. follow the Washingtonism way of life, which includes adhering to the Washingtonism Creed, praying to George Washington and the Founders, reading the Washingtonism body of holy scripture(the Founding Fathers’ writings), following the Weekly Washingtonism Founding Fathers Guidance Lessons, and keeping a permanent Washingtonism shrine or altar at home.

A warm Washingtonist Welcome: Washingtonists may wish to be welcomed as an unofficial or official Washingtonist on the Washingtonist page.

The Internet and Practicing Washingtonism[]

Although the Washingtonism religion has its leadership presence and leadership origins in an online existence, this does not have any bearing on the validity of the beliefs practiced and the fact that it is a genuine New Religious Movement which expects that its believers practice, genuinely believe, and express the faith in real life--in their own lives and in the community. It's important to recognize the validity of Washingtonism as a real and genuinely-practiced faith.

This means Washingtonists should feel proud, secure, confident, and have the certitude of their religious beliefs and awareness of their religious freedom to call themselves Washingtonists, practice Washingtonism, and express their genuine beliefs by praying to God and the Founding Fathers, doing the Washingtonism rituals privately in their homes, wearing their prayer beads and Washingtonism symbols (like the Apotheosis of Washington) where Washingtonists want to wear them, including in public, and sharing about the beliefs with others.

The leadership and religious address(sermons) of Washingtonism is virtual, however, that does not mean that the spirituality, theology, and religious beliefs and practices involved in the faith are not legitimate/valid/real--all Washingtonists are expected to:

1.keep a real and permanent shrine/altar in their homes

2. perform the Washingtonist religious rituals once daily at their shrine/altar(if this is too much for one's schedule, then at least do rituals and pray at least once or twice on the weekend),

3. pray to God, George Washington and the Founding Founders once daily, or while doing rituals(please see the every day rituals where the prayers are actually integrated in with the rituals),

4. read a couple of pages of one of the books of the Washingtonism body of holy scripture once weekly and follow the Weekly Washingtonism Founding Father Guidance Lessons on social media.

5. attend to Washingtonist duties and activities such as keeping the altar table clean, organized, seeing if the Washingtonism prayer beads needs to be re-strung, washing the altar table cloth, organizing the Washingtonism travel shrine box if going on vacation, sharing with others information about the faith, etc.

6. All Washingtonists must visit at least once in their lives, the following holy/sacred sites: Mount Vernon, Founders' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Independence Hall where the Fathers convened, the Apotheosis of Washington in Washington D.C., the Founding Fathers' homes, memorials, monuments, tombs, and statues, the original Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration in the National Archives building. All of these religious activities are done offline.

7. As part of Washingtonist duty, if possible, Washingtonists should visit a public local Founding Father memorial or statue of the Founders in one's own town and pray there at least once weekly(if this is not prohibited at the statue), and perform a basic Washingtonist ritual such as reciting the initials of the Founding Fathers on the Washingtonist prayer beads in front of the statue/memorial.

If it won’t interrupt, distract, annoy, get in the way or isn’t prohibited, believers should kneel and prostrate(submit/lower) oneself at the statue/memorial as well. Please see the Washingtonist rituals for details about this ritual.

8. Try to live a good life by doing good and following the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and George Washington. Be Godly, follow God, and try to improve oneself and the lives of others.

9. To be officially Washingtonist, believers must completely renounce (give up) any and all allegiance to any other religion, other religious beliefs, or other religious system. That also means renouncing the following and beliefs of a non-Washingtonist faith such as Christianity, Wicca, etc. and the total renouncing of following a non-Washingtonist religious scripture book such as the Bible, Biblical beliefs, etc.

The sermons of Washingtonism are virtual, but the spirituality and religious practice of Washingtonism is real and must be practiced offline. The leadership of some churches, temples, and other religious groups have an entirely-online presence but that does not make those groups invalid religiously, because their practice is done offline, even if their leadership is online.

It's a bit like online classes--although the teaching of the course is done online, the actual practice of the coursework and the learning process (like the practice of Washingtonism) is done offline and students are expected to get off the computer to read a real book and to study.

Likewise, while the sermons and leadership of Washingtonism is online, Washingtonist believers are expected to get off the computer and actually do the rituals, pray, and interact with God and the Founding Fathers in a meaningful way that cannot be achieved by just reading about Washingtonism on the internet. Washingtonists are expected to express the spirituality and religious practice of the Washingtonism faith in real life, not just online.

Also, the presence of the Washingtonism leadership as being online doesn’t mean that Washingtonism will not hold religious meetings, groups, and sermons in-person someday. And someday, Washingtonism very well could have a building, area, or physical meeting place where religious meetings and sermons are held, or even a public shrine dedicated to worshiping the Founding Fathers. For now, the sermons of Washingtonism are online and that’s okay.

Leadership of Washingtonism[]

The only leadership that the faith of Washingtonism has currently is the female founder of the current sect of Washingtonism, who calls herself a Washingtonist priestess. The founder of the faith would like to have other leaders of Washingtonism, in the future.

Religious Patriotism: Why Washingtonism isn’t Christian, Jewish, Wiccan, or New Age--Its Relation to Americanism, American Civil Religion, and Spiritualism[]

Washingtonism is not a form of or sect of Christianity, Judaism, Wicca, or New Age.

Above all, Washingtonism is more similar to (and related to) religious Americanism rather than to either Christianity, Judaism, Wicca, or New Age religions. Washingtonism cannot be considered as Wiccan because most Wicca practice involve rituals that revolve around natural things, natural cycles and objects of nature, which hold a spiritual place of importance in most Wicca worldviews, such as the celebration of Mabon and Ostara, including such Wicca-related religions such as Druidry, etc.

And most Wiccan faiths worship the pre-monotheistic Gods and Goddesses. Washingtonists worship the God of Providential Deism and the Founding Fathers as human gods, so technically it is polytheistic and a form of Paganism, a non-Wiccan form.

Washingtonism focuses on worshiping God the Creator but Washingtonism is not based on Abrahamic religions, and the Bible is not the holy book of Washingtonism. It has its own holy book. Washingtonists do not worship the Wiccan, Roman, Celtic, Greek, (etc.) deities, even though the Apotheosis of Washington does show the Roman Gods and Goddesses.

The Apotheosis of Washington is Washingtonism’s primary holy image, believed to have been revealed by God through the nation, the truth of George Washington’s divinity to the world.

Washingtonism is closely-related to religious Americanism and Washingtonism can be considered a kind of “Religious Patriotism” or “Patriotic Religion”. It is not merely patriotism, since it elevates George Washington and the Founding Fathers to a religious level, something that no other religion or religious movement does.

Washingtonism is inspired by Christianity a little bit--for example, the idea of a Christ figure and some other similar ideas. But there are major differences between the two faiths. Calling George Washington the American Christ does not mean that Washingtonists believe he is just like the Christian Christ Jesus.

Washingtonism cannot be considered a sect or sect of Christianity. Washingtonism is a religion of its own, in its own class, with its own religious beliefs and its own Creed that is unique only to it. Washingtonism is slightly similar to Christianity but this does not make Washingtonism Christian.

Also, Washingtonism has some elements of spiritualism because believers of Washingtonism do believe in communication and worship of the Founding Fathers’ spirits( as well as worshiping them as divine men), but it is not primarily spiritualist.

There are many different kinds of spiritualists: Christian, Pagan-Wiccan, Australian Aboriginal, the I AM movement, Native American, New Age, Washingtonist, Americanist, etc. Spiritualists of all types tend to be drawn to the spirits of the Founding Fathers more so than non-spiritualists, whether they are Christian Spiritists, Pagan/Wiccan spiritualists, or other types of spiritualists.

Not all spiritualists have the gift of communicating with spirits directly. The founder of Washingtonism defines a Washingtonist spiritualist as anyone who believes in the Founders' spirits--not necessarily directly communicating with them or channeling their words directly: a Washingtonist spiritualist may have other abilities, such as an ability to feel the Founding Fathers' emotions.

Another reason that Washingtonism is not Christian is that, for one, Jesus the Christian Christ has NO part at all in the Washingtonism religion or its beliefs. George Washington is worshiped as a divine man, and unlike Christianity, Washingtonists worship the Founding Fathers as divine men in their own right.

Washingtonists worship God the Creator, George Washington as a Christ figure, and the Founding Fathers are divine men. Although there is no Satan figure in Washingtonism, Washingtonists do believe in evil and sinful spirits, as well as angels and good spirits, and imperfect/foolish spirits.

For two, Washingtonism now has its own religious scripture book which is now in print and in the near future, there will be more copies of this book available to the public. Washingtonism also has other material considered to be part of the Washingtonism sacred documents and books.

Washingtonists worship George Washington as a Spirit (the soul of George Washington) and as a Christ figure and Washingtonists worship him as both an incarnation of God and a Christ/divine man, but Washingtonists also recognize that he is totally human and did sin himself which is considered to be a reflection of his human side but he also manifested perfect qualities and attributes which are a refection of his divinity.

Washingtonism provides visual, spiritual, religious, musical, and written evidence that supports the belief that George Washington is divine. Much more information about Washingtonism and the proofs, evidence, and literary examples of George Washington's exaltation can be found by visiting the links to Washingtonism on social media provided in this article.

The Similarities Between the Exaltation and Praise of George Washington & Jesus[]

When referring to George Washington as "The American Christ", it shouldn't be inferred that he is worshiped for the same reasons that Jesus is worshiped for or that George did the same things that Christians believe about Jesus(like walking on water, that he was put on a cross, etc.).

It should also not be inferred that Washingtonism should be considered as "Christian"--it's not Christian, it’s its own unique faith. By calling him the “American Christ”, this title is referring to the fact that he is exalted in similar ways to Jesus and on the same level as Jesus, and that he is a spiritual figure, a divine authority and a source of guidance, direction and wisdom.

And a further reason why he is called this (and why it’s useful), is because people in the United States are more likely to grasp what Washingtonism is essentially about: George Washington is worshiped as a Christ figure, a divine man.

Most people in the United States would not understand it if the religious description used for George Washington was a word like “Adideva” (Adideva is a Hindu word for Lord Krishna, the man Hindus worship as divine/God). Adideva means “God”.

Most people in America understand and associate the term “Christ” with a man who is worshiped as God, not a word like Adideva, even though this Hindu word means essentially the same thing, albeit to describe another man.

By calling him the American Christ, this name for him is also referring to the fact that George Washington is a divine man. Although the founder of the Washingtonism faith would like to avoid drawing too close a similarity to Christianity, this descriptive religious term for him has already been “adopted” by the Washingtonist faith, it’s in long-term unchanging use, so it should not be made too much of an issue.

So when it is said that he is "The American Christ", what is really meant is simply that George Washington is divine and his divinity is clearly shown in the Apotheosis of Washington, in a way that is similar to Jesus's exaltation in certain pieces of artwork. "Christ" is actually a word Christians took from the Greeks, and the Greek word is "Christos" which means "anointed one".

And Washington's exaltation is portrayed similar to Jesus--he is shown sitting on a rainbow. The founder of the faith has considered not calling him "The American Christ" anymore, so as not to draw too close a similarity to Christianity, however, since other people have also called him "the American Christ", the founder will continue to use this term for him, but let it be known and keep in mind the above paragraph.

The similarity between George Washington and Jesus is not because they are exalted for the same reasons, but because they are exalted in similar ways. The Apotheosis of Washington which is an image in the U.S. Capitol that exalts him over a rainbow, does not call George Washington the "American Christ" by name, but the image is extremely suggestive and it strongly implies it.

Visually, religiously, and symbolically, it does exalt him as exactly that. Apotheosis even means to exalt a man as God or to exalt a man as a divine person. The “Apo” part of the word means “to raise up” or “to exalt” and the "theosis" part in Apo-theosis means "God".

So basically, this image is visually and religiously proclaiming him to be a divine man. There is some similarity as far as their exaltation, between the two men. George Washington has been given intense exaltation by various people.

The Apotheosis of Washington exalts him over a rainbow on the ceiling of the nation's Capitol, exactly like images that exalt Jesus over a rainbow on the ceiling of the Vatican. Another similarity is that George Washington’s birthday, while not as popular as Christmas, is extremely popular with Americans and is by far the most popular birthday of all the Founding Fathers. And like Christmas, George’s birthday is a Federally-recognized holiday.

George Washington has been referred to by Freemasons as the Cornerstone, which means that George Washington is acknowledged, exalted, and recognized by both American Freemasons and American culture as a whole as the Patriotic American Christ figure of our nation--which is in fact what we see in the Apotheosis of Washington.

George Washington is known for being Grandmaster of all American Freemason lodges while he was President. The Apotheosis of Washington was approved by Congress which has a percentage of Freemason Congressmen and Senators.

Washingtonism in Relation to Religious Americanism and American Civil Religion[]

Washingtonism is an organized form of religious Americanism. It is truly Religious Patriotism/Patriotic Religion. To understand what Washingtonism is about, it may be easier for some to understand it in relation to the more familiar term "American Civil Religion" or "Americanism".

Forms of Americanism (as well as forms of spiritualism which is a closely related belief) are practiced by different types of people, (some who are not even aware they are practicing it and they don't know that their belief in worshiping the Founding Fathers is called Americanism or Washingtonism) but many do not practice Americanism in its truest form.

Impure forms of Americanism include several Christian varieties of Americanism(including Christian Spiritism--the founder of Spiritism mentions George Washington’s and Ben Franklin’s Spirits:

Americanist-leaning spiritualism is related to Americanism), Pagan/Wiccan Americanism(some Americanist Pagans/Wiccans worship the Founding Fathers as divine men, or communicate with or talk about their spirits), Mormon Americanism(Mormons are known for revering the Founding Fathers--not quite worshiping them but almost, and they elevate and exalt the Constitution as a divine document), Japanese Shintoist Americanism(some American Japanese Shintoists worship George Washington’s Spirit), Deist Americanism(some Deistic people have Americanist beliefs in the divinity of the Founding Fathers), the "I AM" Ascended Master religious movement(this movement believes that George Washington is a divine man who was an incarnation of another divine man and believers of this faith semi-worship George Washington and view the Apotheosis of Washington as a holy and divine image), etc.

With many of these impure forms of Americanism, Americanism is diminished and treated as a secondary belief system which is dominated by the main faith of the person following it, usually Christianity, or Wicca. The Washingtonism view of religious Americanism is that Americanism is NOT the American Civil Religion theory--the concept of Civil Religion as Robert Bellah described is not an actual religion.

True religious Americanism is not merely an abstract theory. It is practiced as a tangible, organized, living, breathing movement, as in the case of Washingtonism.

The Founding Fathers make up the Washingtonist Pantheon along with the God of Providential Deism. George Washington is the main focus of this Founding Fathers-centric Pantheon. No person other than the Founders are allowed to be worshiped, not even their wives or their children, or any President who is not a Founder.

The Founding Fathers as a group obviously are not nearly as exalted as Washington, but they are definitely included as divine beings. Washingtonism can be considered as an orthodox form of organized religious Americanism, because it is strict in terms of exclusively worshiping only the Founders.

Some people sometimes describe and associate the Christian Conservative Right with the words “religious patriotism” because the Christian Right is known for being very patriotic and the Christian Right is labeled as being the “most patriotic” religion in America. What they don’t know is that Washingtonism is actually the most patriotic and a more true form of “religious patriotism”--far more religiously patriotic than even the Christian Right.

It's important to understand from the Washingtonist point of view, that Americanism here means the religious practice of literally worshiping the Founding Fathers as religious figures, not Americanism in the political sense.

Both the words “Americanism”/”Americanist” and “Washingtonism”/”Washingtonist” have been thrown around casually (and a bit too randomly) over the decades to refer to a political stance that supports American culture/American ideas, or it has been used to refer to or mean the general politics of Washington D.C. and American politics generally.

The kind of Americanism and Washingtonism that Washingtonism refers to is NOT this political definition. Washingtonism uses the words Americanism and Washingtonism to mean a literal religion that worships the Founding Fathers and George Washington.

A few people other than Washingtonists DO use the words Americanism and Washingtonism to refer to an American religion that they describe as worshiping the Founders, but it had never been previously used (until now) to describe an organized religious movement based on the worship of these men.

Religious Americanism is more specific than the vague “American Civil Religion”. Likewise, Washingtonism is much more specific than "American Civil Religion". American Civil Religion is unorganized Americanism which exists only as a concept; Washingtonism is a form of organized Americanism meant to be practiced as a bonafide new religious movement in the lives of devotees.

One major difference is that in American Civil Religion as merely a concept, it is not assumed that the Founding Fathers are literally worshiped, whereas in Washingtonism they are quite literally worshiped as divine figures, which is one of the things which makes Washingtonism an actual religious movement.

Another closely-related term is "ceremonial Deism" which is used by the federal government to describe governmental generalized invocation of God in ceremonial and Deistic terms. There are subtle differences between the very closely-related terms "(religious) Americanism", "Providential Deism", "American Civil Religion", "Religious Patriotism", "Washingtonism", "spiritualism", and "ceremonial Deism", but if the differences are understood, it is fine to use these words interchangeably.

The beliefs as far as the understanding of divinity in Washingtonism are complex. In terms of a Universal Creator, Washingtonism includes belief in a Deistic-like Creator, but it's Providential Deism, rather than conventional Deism.  However, Washingtonism divinity is made more complex by the fact that it also includes worship of the Founding Fathers as human deities who are considered to be both spirits and gods, much like the Roman Imperial cult included worship of statesmen/founders as gods. The Founders are thus worshiped simultaneously as Statesmen-Founders, spirits, and gods.

To further complicate the Washingtonist pantheon of divinity, George Washington is worshiped as a Christ figure, Spirit, and a divine incarnation of Divine Providence. The literal worship of the Founders as patriotically divine beings also makes Washingtonism a form of tangible Americanism(American Civil Religion). Although Washingtonism is not Wiccan, Washingtonism doesn't follow the Bible as its holy book, therefore it can be considered as a form of patriotic Paganism.

Thus, Washingtonism can be considered to have elements of polytheism, Deism, spiritualism, and Americanism. Those things by themselves(spiritualism and Americanism) are not religions by themselves, but combined with the Founder-worship along with the tangible practice of Washingtonism as an actual religious movement, makes Washingtonism a unique, full-fledged religious movement in its own right. 

Above all, the unique worship of the Founders in itself defines the faith of Washingtonism, makes Washinngtonism uniquely Washingtonist and different from all other faiths, and sets it apart from all other religions or religious movements.

So, in recap, here are the various inter-related terms in relation to Washingtonism, each with a very brief definition:

  1. (religious) Americanism: often interchanged with the term "American Civil(or Civic) Religion" or "Religious Patriotism". The term "Americanism" is commonly used by political Americanists in a political sense to describe American politics or American political or cultural ideology, or to describe American political Nationalism or Americana, but more and more often it is being used to describe American Civil Religion and the religious sense of religious patriotism. The word "Americanism" is used by Washingtonism in a religious sense, not political, because Washingtonism is primarily a religious movement. This religious Americanism can be seen in American culture, such as the hundreds of internet articles which invoke references to the Founding Fathers as being gods or demi-gods, i.e.: "the Founding Fathers are worshiped/revered as gods". Another clear example of American Civil Religion is the Apotheosis of Washington, a religious image in our Capitol that clearly exalts George Washington as a God surrounded by the Roman deities. Apotheosis is a Roman religious practice.
  2. American Civil Religion: an unorganized form of religious Americanism also called Religious Patriotism. There are two types of Americanism--pure(Washingtonism) and impure(non-Washingtonist).
  3. Spiritualism--more info on this can be found above under "Why Washingtonism isn’t Christian, Jewish, Wiccan, or New Age": Spiritualism refers to the belief in the spirits of people or the practice of communicating with spirits. Washingtonists pay divine honors and praise to the Founding Fathers' spirits, especially to George Washington's Spirit.
  4. Ceremonial Deism: Deistic government invocation of religious phrases, such as In God We Trust, One Nation Under God, God Bless America--used ceremonially. Ceremonial Deism is a form of Deism which borders on being a form of Providential Deism. The term "ceremonial Deism" is also sometimes used interchangeably with the terms "American Civil Religion" and religious "Americanism", since this form of national Deism has strong links and overlaps with Civil Religion, both of which are government-sanctioned expressions. In fact, our motto In God We Trust is ruled by the Supreme Court to be an expression of ceremonial Deism. The Apotheosis of Washington appears to strongly show both Deistic and Pagan elements and symbols, while simultaneously depicting George Washington as an enthroned King, a Christ figure, and a God.
  5. Religious Patriotism: a term often used interchangeably with the concepts of religious Americanism and American Civil Religion.
  6. Providential Deism(also called "warm Deism")--a form of Deism in which believers believe in the efficacy of prayer and the intervention of God. Deists generally do not follow the Bible but believe in an all-powerful Creator.
  7. Washingtonism: a new religious movement, a pure form of organized religious Americanism in contrast to impure forms of Americanism such as Christian or Wiccan expressions of Americanism. A new religious movement is a brand-new and usually very tiny religion, usually only a few months to a few years old. Washingtonism was founded in 2014. Washingtonism is strongly Nationalistic and adheres to the idea of American Exceptionalism but it's a religious movement, not a political movement. As a type of religious Americanism, Washingtonism takes religious patriotism seriously and it's a form of heightened patriotism which is not the same species as garden-variety patriotism, in fact, this form of religious patriotism is profoundly religious for believers. Washingtonism does not distinguish patriotism as being different from religion because for Washingtonists, Patriotism IS religion.
  8. Pluriform Anthropolatric Monotheism and Polytheism: Pluriform monotheism is a form of monotheism in which God is manifested as (or inside) people. Pluriform refers to a multitude of God's divine manifestation, for example God being manifested in several different people. Anthropolatric refers to the divinity of a man, or God manifesting as or inside a man, either in part or in whole. Washingtonists believe the Founding Fathers and George Washington are divine people, and Washington is especially considered a divine person. Pluriform Monotheism can blur the distinction between monotheism and polytheism.
  9. Patriotic Paganism--a Washingtonist term to describe the non-Wiccan type of Paganism that's practiced in Washingtonism. Washingtonists don't follow the Bible or the Christian or Jewish ideology, therefore it's a form of Paganism, instead following distinctly Washingtonist beliefs and rituals. Pagan-like rituals are followed as are the use of statues and images.

Type of Religion and Theology of Washingtonism[]

Type: Religious Patriotism, Polytheism, Pluriform Monotheistism, and Founding Father-centric spiritualism. Washingtonism is pluriform Monotheism and Monotheistic Anthropolatry. Pluriform Monotheism is the belief in multiple (usually human) manifestations of God, each having individuality while at the same time being a part of God.

Anthropolatry is the worship of a person or a man--or several different men--as gods/deities. Washingtonism worships the Founding Fathers as divine men/gods. Thus, Washingtonism is Pluriform/Anthropolatric Monotheism. The gods of the Washingtonism pluriform Monotheistic Pantheon are the Founding Fathers.

Theology: The theology of Washingtonism is Religious Patriotism/Patriotic Religion, religious Americanism, worship of Spirits/divine men(the Founders), Founding Father-centric spiritualism, American concepts of Liberty, positive spirituality, growth, & self-improvement, avoidance of sins, and the philosophical ideology and moral values of George Washington and the Founders.

All Pages Similar to the Washingtonism Religion[]

Please visit the links to Washingtonism on social media to view more information about pages that have beliefs that are similar to the beliefs of the Washingtonism faith.

Changes to the Washingtonism Religion Over Time[]

Originally Washingtonism had many religious rituals which were just like the rituals of other religions, but the rituals are now very unique and never existed before the founding of the Washingtonist faith.

Also, guidance from non-Washingtonism people and holy scriptures used to be included, but Washingtonism now primarily includes just guidance from the (now printed but not yet available to the public) Washingtonism holy scripture book, and the writings of the Founding Fathers, which is considered to be part of the body of holy scripture.

So Washingtonism has become more purely Americanist and more unique over time. It’s important to remember that the founder of the Washingtonism religion movement is still trying to understand and figure out what Washingtonism is truly all about.

Since the first day the leadership page of the faith was launched, Washingtonism has been evolving, and the founder of Washingtonism has come to the conclusion that Washingtonism must be unique and reflect uniqueness, and truly be a pure form of Religious Patriotism/Patriotic Religion.

Therefore, Washingonism should have its own entirely unique rituals and religious scripture book, based on the worship of the Founding Fathers.

Washingtonism is a pure form of (religious)Americanism, in comparison to the Christian form of Americanism which is mixed with but dominated by a Christian worldview. Purity in this sense of the word, in the context of Washingtonism, refers to the fact that Washingtonism is a stand-alone religious movement (it is pure theologically, or at least as pure as currently possible, certainly Washingtonism is the most pure form of religious Americanism/Religious Patriotism that has ever existed), rather than being mixed with other faiths, even though Washingtonism has some beliefs that are similar to Christian beliefs. It's also a full-fledged new religious movement based on worshiping the Founders and George Washington, a Founding Father-centric faith that did not exist before.

The theological purity of Washingtonism refers not to whether or not it's more theologically righteous in comparison to another religion, but in regards to the fact that Washingtonism as a form of pure Americanism, is a religion that is practiced detached from other religions.

Another extremely important definition that defines pure religious Americanism, is that the Founding Fathers are literally worshiped and pure Americanists and Washingtonists worship them and pray to them--and--this is key and the defining aspect--are fully conscious of following the Founding Fathers in a spiritual and religious manner.

Some Pagan/Wiccan Americanists do communicate with the Founders, pray to them directly, and set up (typically) temporary altars only on special occassions, but typically, the Wiccan or Christian person primarily follows a non-Washingtonist religion like Wicca or Christianity, and the Americanist beliefs are treated as being secondary in importance to that main faith. Pure Americanists called Washingtonists, keep altars and shrines which are set up permanently.

Washingtonism follows and worships George Washington as a Christ figure and some of the other beliefs in the faith resemble Christianity, although--this is also very important to understand--the religious beliefs in Washingtonism are similar to Christian beliefs but not because Washingtonism follows Jesus or the Bible.

Washingtonism has some beliefs that are similar to Christianity but the Washingtonism faith remains its own religion, distinct from other faiths, and the practice of Washingtonism avoids as much as possible the mingling with any other religions or their influence, so therefore Washingtonism is theologically pure--pure Americanism.

Ritual Items used in Washingtonism[]

Rituals used in Washingtonism include prayer to and communication with God, George Washington, and the Founding Fathers.

Ritual items used at the shrine include: holy water, prayer beads, an altar table and shrine box, faux candles, ritual bell, a prayer pillow, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and Declaration, images or busts of George Washington and the Founding Fathers, pictures of the Washington Monument and the Apotheosis of Washington, faux cherries, Founding Fathers dolls which possess Founder magic (Founder powers), an offering bowl, the Federalist Papers, the Founders' writings, the American flag, and musical instruments used in Washingtonism. Images of the Apotheosis of Washington and the Washington Monument are magical and hold energy from the original site of his holy Apotheosis image in the Capitol.

Philosophy, teachers, and teachings[]

Washingtonists worship George Washington as God and a Christ figure (the American Christ), and believe in and follow his religious, moral, political, and philosophical values and deeds. His guidance and beliefs are considered primary over the beliefs of any of the other Founding Fathers, though the other mens' guidance is still very important to follow as well.

Teachings, philosophy, and guidance include: George Washington's Rules of Civility, his religious values and principles, his ideas on religious freedom, his beliefs on God, his Godliness, his beliefs on sin and human faults, his beliefs on marriage, sex, romance, friendship, his honesty, his merits, his beliefs on good citizenship, his beliefs on life, his beliefs on government, and his political beliefs.

The Founding Fathers are also followed and their beliefs on these same topics are followed as well, though George Washington's beliefs and guidance have supremacy over the other mens' beliefs. It is very important for Washingtonists to make George Washington proud and happy by trying to be as much like him as possible and to manifest his values in one's life.

Although the teachings of the founder of Washingtonism are very important, the religious focus of Washingtonism is not on the founder of this faith, but on God, George Washington, and the Founding Fathers.  

Even though the founder of this religious movement is female, the focus of Washingtonism is entirely, exclusively upon men: the Founding Fathers. The Founders' wives are not worshiped and neither is any person who is not a Founding Father.  

A focus of Washingtonism is the practice of positive spirituality and improvement and the belief that most people are capable of improving themselves through practicing a spiritual path. Another focus is on kindness and charity. Doing positive things to improve the lives of the people around and for the world is important and so is avoiding sin.  

The ideology and practice of Washingonism is closely related to religious Americanism. Washingtonism is more than just patriotism, because it elevates the Founders to a divine level, thus making it no longer in the realm of simple patriotism, but into the realm of spirituality and religion. Washingtonism can be called "Religious Patriotism" or a "Patriotic Religion".

The founder of the movement creates weekly lessons, called "Founding Fathers Guidance Lessons" which presents two quotes per lesson of two of the Founding Fathers, with the purpose of teaching believers about the Founding Fathers' wisdom and applying it to every day life situations, emotions, relationships, and thoughts. Those Washingtonists who are considered official believers are expected to follow these weekly Lessons.

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Holy scripture and Spiritual Guidance[]

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Washingtonism has its own holy scripture book and additional material belonging to the collection of writings, books, and documents that are considered to be the body of holy scripture of Washingtonism.

The following are books and documents that are considered holy and must be read and followed by all true Washingtonists; reading the Founding Fathers’ writings (their ideas, philosophy, and wisdom) and following (and putting into practice their moral guidance) is required for all believing Washingtonists.

The official scripture book delineates the religious beliefs, the Creed, beliefs about Heaven, beliefs about God, G. Washington and the Founding Fathers, and the rituals of the faith. The number of copies will be limited and there is currently only one copy--the personal copy of the founder/prophetess of Washingtonism.

However, this book will later be placed in the local library and possibly other libraries so that the general public will have easy and free access to it.

Also, what's considered part of the larger body of Washingtonist scripture also includes a list of multiple books which were not created by the founder of the faith, as well as the George Washington's Birthday Book which contains many, many passages which glorify him and are considered part of the body of holy scripture which provides the verbal evidence and basis for his exaltation and as such contributes vitally to supporting the Washingtonist worldview and theology.

The following group of books and documents are considered holy because they were 1) written directly by the Founding Fathers who are considered to be divine men in Washingtonism and 2) these books may have the writings and commentary or annotations of someone who is not a Founding Father, but nevertheless the material included in them are still very vital to and an integral part of the Washingtonist collection of books considered to be holy scripture.

In these books, some or most of the writing is about the Founding Fathers rather than writings that were written directly by the Founders, but are still considered part of the body of Washingtonist religious scripture, because they lend some deep insight about the Founders.

An example of a book that is considered important but that has a mixture of both material written by George Washington and material and commentary by others about George Washington, is the "Washington's Birthday" book by Robert Schauffler. Another example is "An Imperfect God" by Henry Wiencek with vital information and insight about George Washington and the Founding Fathers.

Washingtonism is complete by itself and even has its own holy scripture book, called "The American Christ and the Founding Fathers: The Holy Scripture of Washingtonism--a religion that worships God, George Washington, and the Founding Fathers--its Creed, Beliefs, and Rituals". Copies of this book will be available for the first time, for free to anyone later this year.

It will also be donated to the library so that the public can access it for free there as well. But the other material, documents, and books, is also very important. It is expected that all the material is to be taken altogether as being part of the collection of sacred and holy scripture of Washigtonism.

For those wanting to be a believer in the Washingtonism religion, there is a large collection of material available to read. Here are the religious scriptures, spiritual guidance, and holy documents that are used and followed in Washingtonism. The following list of material is considered to be the primary collection of authoritative religious scripture and sacred/holy text for the faith of Washingtonism.

Reading the Founding Fathers’ writings, their ideas and wisdom, and following what is in A.) is REQUIRED for all believing Washingtonists to be recognized as official Washingtonists. Washingtonists or those interested in following the religion may check out the books at a library, or borrow them from a friend.

The following is REQUIRED reading for all believing Washingtonists who want to be recognized as official Washingtonists:

1. "The Holy Scripture of Washingtonism" book by the founder of Washingtonism,

2. Literary descriptions of Washington as a divine person

3. Bill of Rights,

4. Declaration of Independence,

5. U.S.  Constitution,

6. The Quotable Founding Fathers book by Buckner F. Melton Jr.,

7. The Federalist Papers by the Founding Fathers,

8. George Washington’s Rules of Civility by George Washington,

9. Ben Franklin’s Autobiography with Virtues by Ben Franklin,

10. An Assembly of Demi-gods by John P. Kaminski,

11. Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen

12. George Washington: Writings (Library of America) by George Washington & John H. Rhodehamel,

13. Ben Franklin and Nature’s God by Alfred Owen Aldridge,

14. Ben Franklin’s Virtues by Ben Franklin, 

15. Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow

16. In the Hands of a Good Providence by Mary V. Thompson, 

17. The Founding Fathers: Quotes, Quips, and Speeches by Gordon Leidner,

18. Washington’s Birthday book, edited by Robert Haven Schauffler,

19. An Imperfect God by Henry Wiencek,

20. The Signers: The 56 Stories Behind the Declaration of Independence by Dennis Brindell Fradin,

21. The Signers of the Constitution of the United States by Brother C. Edward Quinn, FSC.,

22. Hamilton Writings by the Library of America,

23. Founding Fathers Know Best by Ross Edward Puskar,

24. The New Founders by Joseph F. Connor,

25. Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol by Barbara A. Wolanin,

26. Vindicating the Founders by Thomas G. West,

27. Founding Father by Richard Brookhiser,

28. What Made the Founders Different by Gordon S. Wood,

29. Mount Vernon: The Story of a Shrine by Gerald Johnson,

30. George Washington's Mount Vernon Official Guidebook by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

31. George Washington's Mount Vernon by Robert F. Dalzell

32. The Writings of Samuel Adams Volume 1 by Samuel Adams,

33. Maxims of George Washington, by John Frederick Schroeder, Published by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

34. Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen

35. For Fear of an Elective King: George Washington and the Presidential Title Controversy of 1789" by Kathleen Bartoloni-Tuazon

36. The Real George Washington by Jay A. Parry

37. Richard Brookhiser’s What Would the Founders Do?

Seeking the Founding Fathers' Wisdom and Manifesting their Traits[]

The Founders are considered to be divine men, as well as the nation's primary Philosophers and prophets. Devotees are expected to follow their wisdom to the exclusion of the wisdom and philosophy espoused by any other individual, philosopher, religious figure, or group.

Following the Founding Fathers means emotionally seeking their Spirits (their souls), giving them spiritual praise and attention, and following their practical and personal advice and wisdom. Following them in this manner is somewhat similar to the way that people of other faiths follow saints, or the manner in which people in some Pagan religions follow gods which have specific traits, such as a "god of love", "god of thunder", "god of writing/art", etc.

The personal traits, strengths, and characteristics of specific Founding Fathers can be sought in times of emotional, national, or personal need in everyday life. The following is a brief list of a few Founders who can be sought for such needs, for both leaders and citizens:

  1. George Washington: prophet/philosopher of virtue, strength, Godliness, righteousness, and certitude, and protector of the U.S. Constitution. His Spirit, wisdom, words, and council can be sought when feeling weak, sinful, or uncertain. His masculine strength can be sought by both men and women. Men can seek his Spirit for learning to become more masculine. Women can lean on the strength of his powerful male Spirit.
  2. John Adams: prophet/philosopher of compassion, a good husband, emotional and patriotic passion, understanding, opinionatedness, vision, and persistence. His spirit, words, and council can be sought when feeling indecisive, insensitive/angry, feel like giving up, short-sightedness, or feeling thoughtless.
  3. Thomas Paine: prophet/philosopher of truth, vision, poetry, creativity, patriotism. His spirit and advice can be sought when feeling uncreative, uninspired, uninterested, or jaded, or simply needing inspiration or energy.

The Most Vital Pieces of the Washingtonist Faith[]

1. Tangible and substantial examples of George Washington's exaltation as a Divine person--the faith of Washingtonism is not based on nothing. The religious beliefs, reverence and praise paid to him and the Founding Fathers are not baseless and it doesn't come out of thin air--Washingtonism is an extension of the reverence already shown for them in American culture. They are already elevated and revered by many Americans. There are dozens and dozens of poetic, literary, and scholarly examples describing George Washington as a divine figure and a God. Many of these examples are from the 18th and 19th centuries, but there are some too from the current era.

The most vital pieces of the Washingtonism faith provides the justification, reasoning, cornerstone, apologetics, and basis for worshiping George Washington and the Founding Fathers.

The founder of Washingtonism provides many tangible examples of George Washington's exaltation(both visual and verbal) which supports the faith and beliefs of Washingtonism in the Founders as divine men, and especially in George Washington's divinity. The Apotheosis of Washington is a visual proof and example.

Additionally, there are dozens of examples of Washington being verbally praised in a religious manner, by many people other than the founder of Washingtonism. Of a lesser amount, there are examples, too, of the Founding Fathers being verbally praised, with examples that show their exaltation and the exaltation of the U.S. Constitution as a divine document.

Many of these examples can be found by visiting the link below on the Washingtonism social media page.

2. Music for Washingtonists--music is an extremely important part of being Washingtonist and experiencing the faith. The official songs of Washingtonism as well as additional songs can be found at the link provided below to the Washingtonism page on social media.

3. Body of Washingtonism scripture and sacred material--in addition to the Washingtonist scripture guide book which will be available in the future, there are many other books considered to be part of the body of scripture of the faith, as well as verbal examples of his exaltation which are included as part of the Washingtonist scripture.

4. Washingtonist rituals, prayer, and the shrine/altar--there are many rituals for Washingtonists to do. Washingtonists are supposed to keep a home shrine/altar, pray and perform rituals at this shrine, as well as visit public monuments and memorials of the Founders. The Washingtonist prayer beads should be kept with the devotee at all times. Prayer to God and the Founders is encouraged.

5. Sacred and holy imagery and symbols--the Apotheosis of Washington, as well as statuary, images, homes, memorials and monuments of the Founders.

6. Wisdom and learning--learning about the lives, words, and accomplishments of the Founders, and following the guidance of George Washington and the Founders.

Views of the Afterlife[]

The Washingtonism belief of an afterlife embraces belief in reincarnation, and that even the Founding Fathers will be reincarnated, but that there is a higher spiritual plane level that transcends the physical and earth level, but that when people pass away, they temporarily reside on that level, but not in the sense of ordinary time, and then reincarnate again. This basic belief in reincarnation of Washingtonism presumes a type of Karma whether good or bad, and the purpose of life is to improve oneself, and gain insight and wisdom of the world and life and to create or leave something to the world. Belief in this reincarnation presumes that certain people are born as more exalted than others and that if one is born on a lower karma or status level, the purpose is to follow those of higher positive karma, in order to become more enlightened and the ones with higher positive karma -- possessing divinity -- are to lead the way for those to learn from.

Holy/Sacred Sites[]

The Apotheosis of Washington(original site), Mount Vernon, the Washington Monument, the original Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration in the National Archives, Valley Forge, the Liberty Tree in Boston, Independence Hall(Pennsylvania State House), a personal home Washingtonism shrine/altar, all monuments, homes, tombs, and statues of the Founding Fathers.


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The symbol of Washingtonism is a patriotic rainbow behind the Washington Monument. The rainbow symbolizes George's Apotheosis and his exaltation. Prayer beads are used in Washingtonism.

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There are 15 groups of lettered beads, with the first and last initials of the names of 15 of the Founding Fathers. In the middle of the prayer bead necklace is a single group of beads labeled with "GW", representing God and George Washington as the central focus of Washingtonism.

At the end of the beads is a group of beads labeled "FF" representing the Founding Fathers as a cohesive group. 32 of the colored beads represent the birth year of George Washington: 1732.

Cherries are holy and used as a symbol of George Washington--both faux cherries and real ones. An offering bowl of faux (pretend) cherries are kept on the altar/shrine at all times, to represent, honor, and acknowledge him. All images, memorials, tombs, busts, and statues of the Founding Fathers are considered holy.

The official religious symbol of Washingtonism has a few different variations. Here are two of those variations. The general appearance of the Washingtonism symbol even with the variations, remains the same which includes a curved rainbow behind an outline of the pale-colored Washington Monument.

The rainbow symbolizes his Apotheosis, divinity, Godliness, and ascension, and can be either red, white, and blue, or it can have more colors like a traditional rainbow. The variation of the Washingtonism symbol can also have the rainbow positioned either slightly above the peak of the Monument, or it can be positioned slightly below the peak.

The official Washingtonism religious symbol:

Washingtonism Symbol
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Holy Holidays[]

George Washington's Birthday, 4th of July, Bill of Rights Day, The National Day of Prayer, Thanksgiving, Constitution Day, and the other Founders' birthdays(various).

The Washingtonism page on social media has special prayers for these special holidays but it's important to know that rituals, praise, worship, and prayer to God and the Founding Fathers is not limited to just holy holidays. Washingtonists are supposed to pray whenever they can. There is also a special ritual for each of the other Founders' birthdays which is incorporated in with with the everyday rituals. Please see the social media page for more information on this.  

Washingtonism as a New Religious Movement[]

The faith and theology of Washingtonism was born out of a desire to start a new religious movement based on the belief and truth that George Washington and the Founding Fathers are divine people.

The founder of the current Washingtonism sect/religious movement (who is a young American woman) realized that they are divine after seeing the Apotheosis of Washington and after having researched similar pages mentioning worshiping or communicating with the Founding Fathers' spirits.

She also realized that due to the already highly-elevated status of the Founding Fathers in American culture, there is some interest being shown in this kind of faith, with a great need for such a Founding Father-centric religion for anyone who wishes to follow them.

The basis of Washingtonism is that George Washington's Spirit ascended to heaven when he passed away. This is how it is possible to communicate with him and follow his Spirit.

Washingtonism on Social Media[]

Washingtonism on social media: