
Virtuism is a polytheistic religion heavily based on its followers. It depends on one doing the right thing, not for a reward or fear of punishment, but because it is the right thing to do.

Philosophy and teachings[]


The religion believes in seven deities which form the Virtuist pantheon. All of the deities are known to have many positive sides and one dark side. These deities are:

  1. Castit, the god of chastity, more wholeness, purity, and pride.
  2. Temper, the god of restraint, justice, self control, prudence, and envy.
  3. Carita, the god of generosity, self sacrifice, unconditional love, and laziness.
  4. Indust, the god of work ethics, decisiveness, fortitude, integrity, and anger.
  5. Patent, the god of mercy, peace, stability, and greed.
  6. Humania, the god of charity, compassion, friendship, empathy, trust, and gluttony.
  7. Humil, the god of selflessness, respect, bravery, and lust.


The religion teaches their gods are without name and are only given titles so their followers can better identify with and distinguish between them. They also believe they are without form or gender and may not be seen or heard. Only people can experience their domains.


Once one dies, they experience an eternal rest. The religion does not believe in punishment for evil acts and neither are there rewards for good acts. Adherents are expected to be virtuous themselves and ask forgiveness of their sins from themselves.


The followers of Virtuism are prophets. Its followers are expected to teach others of the benefits of virtue and forviging oneself for past sins.