Not to be confused with Arianism.
Urianism | |
The Dur-An-Ki, Urianism's religious symbol | |
Beliefs | |
Oneness of God - Angels and Christ- Integration - Priesthood - Many Heavens - Seven Devotions - Scripture - Other Faiths - Evil | |
Practices | |
Scripture | |
Relations with other religions | |
Urianism, also known as From Heaven'ism or Ahyehism, is a syncretic, monotheistic and mystical religious, political and social worldview and way of life. Another way to see it is as a Universal, Gnostic, Monotheism. The religion has risen from the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, garnering influence from other religions as well; however it also has a balanced and western sensibility. An adherent of Urianism is called a Urian (Yur-Rye-Un).
Urian teachings are rooted in a work known as The Ahyeh, 2021, which is believed to have been handed down to a human scribe named Uriyah by the archangel Uriel.
Urians believe that God is one, and that God revealed itself to mankind wearing various masks throughout history. Urians also believe that Urianism is a revelation for the contemporary era of humanity, and that the Urian revelation is the universal form of monotheism that boils down the essential religious and mystical elements that came before.
Religious concepts and practices include the seven daily devotions, which are basic concepts and acts of worship. Urians consider the seven daily devotions as forms of passionate worship to God, forbidding any forced worship as lifeless and meaningless. A Charismatic style is encouraged, in a similar frame to that employed by Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians.
The open ultimate goal of the religion is to create a global, stellar, and inter-planar mysticratic and theocratic empire over the next 1,120 years, beginning in 2012. During the thousand year period following the founding of the nation, the intention would turn to uniting the monotheistic religions and peoples of the earth, and reach out to explore space, terraforming, mining, and expanding, and going beyond this into hyperspatial planes (etheric dimensions).
At its first height, Urianism had around 100 interested affiliates from locations such as New Zealand, India, the Middle East, and Africa. Sighting non-participation and disinterest, the primary online group was deleted, effectively excommunicating most of the community. When Google+ was shutdown, the rebooted community there of over 60 members, was lost. The faith currently exists as a handful of devout disciples spread throughout the United States and Europe; this group is considered "The Seeds of the Faith". It is thought that Urianism is intended to come into fullness after a future global crisis referred to as, "the Chastisement".
Urianism is a noun, derived from the Hebrew word "Urian", meaning "From Heaven". In a religious context, it means "The Religion which came from Heaven." Urian, the word for an adherent of Urianism, means "From Heavenist". This asserts the ideal of striving to be heavenly, transcendent, and overcoming what Urians believe to be the "trap of reincarnation". A secondary meaning of Urianism is rooted in the ancient Sumerian city-state called Ur; the term is also related to Patriarch Abraham who was from the city of Ur, used as a way to tie Urianism to the Abrahamic religions.

A collage of the most-commonly known masks of God according to Urian teachings from left to right: Anu, Ahura Mazda, Zurvan, El Elyon, Yahweh, Aeon-Ouranos, Saturn, Waheguru, Allah, and Wakan Tanka.
Urianism's most fundamental concept, like Islam's, is a strict form of monotheism, except with modalistic teaching. God is described in The Ahyeh as an amalgamation of the high gods of varied times, cultures, and theisms, bearing similarities also with henotheists. They also consider God as being above and beyond gender, which can be called androgyny or, in the faith, "non-gendered'ism". God is also seen by Urians as being panentheistic (within and beyond all things).
The deity of Urianism is one and is primarily called, Ahyeh (I AM). The Christian doctrine of a triune deity is fiercely rejected.
In Urianism, God is viewed as having worn or projected many masks, which God has worn throughout the ages. Such masks are numerous, but out of all the masks, Urians usually refer to the Semetic-Babylonian king of creation, Anu, the Zoroastrian-Persian deities Ahura Mazda and Zurvan, El and El Elyon of the Canaanite and Semitic pantheons, Yahweh of the Hebrew, Jewish, and Christian religions, Aeon-Ouranos of Greco-Roman esotericism, the Etruscan Saturn, Baha of Bahai, Okankar of Sikhism, Allah of Islam, Wakan Tanka of the Native Americans, and the "Agape-Divine Love" in the contemporary era, among many others. The most common and de facto mask of the religion however appears to be I AM THAT I AM (Ahyeh Asher Ahyeh) and El Elyon (God Most High).
Urians hold strongly to the teaching that the creation of everything, seen and unseen, has been brought into being by God's thoughts, words, and will. They revere God as a personal god who reaches out to those who willingly reach out to him/it/her, reflecting back and magnifying the relationship that its creations express as a desire to have.
Angels and Christ[]

A detailed image of the Seven Archangels
Belief in angels is fundamental to Urianism. Urians believe in similar angelic hierarchies to that of Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The angels are seen as mighty servants of God, fulfilling various roles and offices in the divine hierarchy. Many ideas about the images of angels and archangels in Urianism differ from the New Age Movement, and have much more in common with the angels of the ancient world, namely Judeo-Christian and Islamic concepts, although New Age images have been used in the religion regarding artistic expression and visions, respectively.
In Urianism there are seven primary and local archangels who are concerned with humankind and planet earth, and the solar system as a whole. Their names are Sandalphon, Raphael, Gabriel, Hanael, Tzadkiel, Sariel/Sarakiel, and Michael. Other non-local archangels referenced in the teachings of Urianism are: Metatron, Uriel, Tzaphkiel, and Raziel.

The seven Archangels, with the help of the three Galactic Supernal Angels, helping humanity ascend.
The seven archangels, collectively known as Immanuel, who is viewed as the "Lamb with Seven Eyes and Seven Horns" in Revelation 5, are the rulers of the seven orders of Urianism and founders of the seven monotheisms (Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Samaritanism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, and Bahai). The seven archangels are thought to have incarnated slivers of themselves (like finger puppets) as the founders of the seven monotheisms, suffering from the amnesia of being in human form, but knowing their mission on an unconscious level while on Earth.
These angels are not just seen as the founders of the seven monotheisms and rulers of the seven orders, but they are also seen as part of the Lamb of God, who Urians believe to be the earthly emanation of a "Cosmic Christ Spirit" that seeks to bring all spirits and souls to the feet of God. Jesus himself is viewed, with Melchizedek, as the two greatest manifestations of the Lamb. On the other hand, the Lamb is also viewed as more than just one person, and the Christ Spirit is concerned with bringing all races and worlds to God, not just humanity and the planet earth.

The belief that integration of soul and spirit, in the style of Jungian or Psychoanalytic individuation, as well as connection to God, can lead one to ascend to the Infinite.
A central tenet of Urianism, is the goal of integration through authenticity and self-realization, in which every Urian is asked to work on self-reflection and practices of very blunt self-honesty, examining their real motives and the underlying truths of their nature, in order to bring the conscious and sub-conscious into greater union, and thereby unite soul and spirit (symbolically described as a marriage of the soul and the spirit, or the mortal nature with the immortal nature).
Urian Priesthood[]
Urian priests and priestesses are said to be called to a path akin to that of the ancient magi, mystics, paladins, and arcane masters. In The Ahyeh, the training of priests and priestesses is laid down in a step-by-step fashion. This training is comprised with various rites and the learning of skills akin to the training of shamans and medicine men, or ancient mystic priesthoods.
Priests and priestesses of the paranormal and metaphysical Violet Order of Urianism practice magick, however, they consider this magick as Holy Magic, Angel Magic, or "Theurgy". Such forms of magic have been criticized by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as witchcraft or sorcery; however, according to Urianism, there is a difference between holy and unholy practices of magic, the power of God, and the power of demons. In a nutshell, Urian priests and priestesses, in the Violet Order at least, practice holy rites, employing the power of prayer, drawing on divine energy and calling on (evoking and invoking) angelic intercessions for holy purposes (this can be referred to as wikipedia: "Divine Magic". There are, in this, echoes of Hoodoo beliefs, as well as the arcane practices of PowWow or Root Work among the Pennsylvania Dutch, as well as the occult practices of Enochian Magic and the works of Abramelin otherwise known as High Magic. Again, this is primarily a concern of the Violet Order, as each of the seven orders of Urianism has a different focus. However, Charismatic/Pentecostal styles of Spiritual Warfare are employed by members of the Red Order.
Many Heavens[]

The basic cosmology according to Urianism.
Urianism views the subject of the afterlife as more than heaven and hell, black and white, saved or damned, but insists that there are levels of salvation and damnation, that damnation need not be permanent, and that there are possibly infinite numbers of heavens and hells (fractal), as well as accepting the general ideas of the modern M-Theory and Quantum Mechanics, and applying such ideas to their spiritual cosmology.
Urianism also teaches that 99.9% of people, no matter their religious path, will be reincarnated on Earth repeatedly. In such reincarnation it is only the spirit (divine spark) that returns, while the soul (human personality/identity) becomes nothing more than data or information, inherited by one's "personal god" or archetypal archon. This is a view consistent with the Old Gnostic view of imprisonment in the material world, until achieving liberation through personal revelation of the divine (a peak transformative personal experience of God). In Urianism, such salvation is achieved through integration and a personal relationship with God (through personal daily devotions). Passionate devotion unto God, however, is intended to bring about the Gnostic experience of direct ecstatic contact with The Divine.
Furthermore, priests and priestesses are encouraged to creatively visualize and anthologize their own personal heaven or world, in detail, as part of their training. This is seen as a way to draw close to God through the work of co-creation, promoting the creativity of God's children, as well as deep consideration of creation itself and the interconnectivity thereof.
The Urian afterlife is generally referred to as Pryzmea (the "Mansion of Uriel" or "The Prism Plane"), and is considered the universe where dreams (fantasy, fiction, imaginations) are realized and manifested. Each monotheistic religion and sect is thought to have its own angel or archangel, with its own rules/principles, and its own heavenly abode or mansion, where the believers in its sect or religion will reside in death (until being reincarnated).
The personal heaven idea is rather unique to Urianism, though the idea was explored in the Robin Williams cult classic, What Dreams May Come, and in the New Age Movement's 2012 "Three Days of Darkness" teaching, respectively.
Seven Daily Devotions[]
Urians are taught to practice the seven devotions every day, as a way to establish a personal relationship with both God and their own spirit. They can be practiced at any time during the day. These practices are said to strengthen the relationship between God and man. The seven daily devotions are:
- Worship, submission or surrender to God's will. It is a expression of love and loyalty to God.
- Prayer, talking to God, pouring out one's heart and all of one's desires.
- Meditation, listening to God in silence and even in chant of the divine names (invocation).
- Studying, asking questions about God. Studying to show oneself worthy.
- Contemplation, to seek God and look for God's hand at the work in the world around oneself.
- Fellowship, uniting in God's spirit and mutually edifying each other in the light of God's truth.
- Works, to do and obey God's will and word.
Main article: The Ahyeh

A 3D render of The Elyon: Revelation of Archangel Uriel.
The religious scripture of Urianism was called the Ahyeh, or Book of I AM. The work began in 1993, when Uriyah (Victory Myel) was delivered a spiritual message from what he'd call the Holy Spirit. The scribe claims that the Ahyeh is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel 12 and Revelation 10 (the hidden scrolls revealed), and the revealing of the hidden manna. In 2021 the Scribe was commanded to update, refine, and edit the teachings, resulting in the replacement of The Elyon (the old rendition of the work) with The Ahyeh.
Teachings found within The Ahyeh are related to a wide range of subjects: monotheism, panentheism, mysticism, Gnosticism, shamanism, syncretism, theism, deism, emanation, solipsism, intelligent design, technocracy, theocracy, morality, and ecology.
The book is divided into sections dealing with the individual student, then the creation of a church, followed by the training of priests and priestesses, and lastly, addressing the establishment and rise of a nation, referred to as The Kingdom.
Other Faiths[]
Urians are taught that they should study the sacred teachings of the other seven monotheistic religions, or "Seven Tribes United in an Eighth". They are to strive to understand and mediate between the different socially-conservative sects and religions of monotheism, working toward a united front in the face of what many monotheists consider a godless, immoral, neo-pagan, occultic, secular, humanistic, and materialistic New World Order agenda, which seeks to destroy and undermine the monotheistic religions of the contemporary era and rid society of monotheistic moral values.

History of the Archangelic Religions
In this sense, Urians believe in bridging the gap, agreeing to disagree, and being ecumenical, without compromising their own views and values, for the greater good as it were. They teach that there is an original and pure form of each monotheistic faith, that those monotheists should seek to find and practice. Moreover, Urians look favorably upon Taoism, Cheondoism, the Druze, Yezidism (as a form of Zoroastrianism), Zurvanism, Mithraism, Kabbalah, Martinism, Gnosticism, monotheistic native indigenous spiritual teachings, and religious theurgical practices. In a nutshell, Urians support looking to a core ideal of One God and traditional/conservative social values.

The concept of disconnecting oneself from a Vanity.
Evil exists as a consequence of freewill according to Urianism and other Abrahamic religions. Moreoer, Urianism focuses on the idea of the false-gods, archetypal archons or Vanities. These entities, seen in Urianism as originally the Watchers of the Book of Enoch, are seen as "living archetypes," who feed upon the souls, emotions, experiences, and drama of humanity (loosh). By the greater sum total of one's thoughts, feelings, words, and actions a person determines whether they serve God (or an aspect of this deity), or a false-god or devil (a Vanity); an aeonic ideal, an elemental ideal, or a demonic-archonic ideal. This is seen as in keeping with the ancient struggle between polytheism and monotheism: one God verses many false gods, rather than about God verses a single devil. The archangels of Urianism are much like the Gnostic notion of Aeons, even as the Vanities are much like the Gnostic idea of Archons.
Secondarily, there is intense concern among Urians with the merger of mankind with machines, or Transhumanism, which is seen as the ultimate satanic agenda, and related to an interpretation of the Christian prophecy of the Mark of the Beast (RFID chips or microchips placed in hands or on the forehead) among other monotheistic and non-monotheistic faiths. The Vanities are viewed as being behind and directing the plan to merge all mankind into one great collective false-god or "Great Mind", seen as "the Singularity". Refusal of any sort of microchip or RFID tag into the flesh is therefore mandatory for Urians. Reception of such a chip would constitute permanent inalterable allegiance to the forces of evil, being alienated from God. This is much like the Gnostic view of matter and spirit, in that linking your mind and body to an artificial intelligence and human collective mind, would then be to merge with matter more fully and separate from God to an ever greater degree than is already the condition of mankind.
In more recent times, with the release of The Ahyeh, as well as the Covid Pandemic, there has been a fixation among Urians with the Great Reset Agenda and world government, known as Babsodrom (Babylon + Sodom + Rome).
Law and Governance[]
Rather than waiting for divine intervention from some messianic figure, Urians are tasked with each working to establish of a holy nation, which is then to focus on spreading globally, forming alliances with other monotheistic religions and political-religious factions, and eventually forming a global, and even an interstellar and hyperspatial sacred empire.

One of the proposed flag designs for the Urian nation.
Monologue 43 in the religious text states: "As the modern state of Israel was founded, so also an eventual Urian nation shall rise through infiltration, migration, consolidation, covert preparations, and then a general uprising (once you have key people in key positions of any given government and military structure)."
This political goal, to form a literal nation-state and one world nation, is not unique to Urianism, but is similar to the agenda of Bahai, and was seen in the original formation of Holy Israel under the Biblical patriarch, Joshua. Moreover, Islam itself is not merely a religion, but a political and a social vision, with its own social laws and forms of governance. Indeed, the Persian Empire was wholly committed to Zoroastrianism. In short, Urians view their faith as more than a religion, but as a political and social vision for the future of earth.
When the desired nation is established, all will be required to learn a universal language and women won't be excluded from education. Discrimination is prohibited and secular-humanistic educational institutions will be forbidden. Virtual reality and neighborhood schools are also something that is suggested within The Ahyeh itself, as well as things like vocational training, and mandatory martial arts training, and segregation of boys from girls during formative years.
The Ahyeh actually encourages members to master things like Coding, Programming, and Day-Trading as ways by which to have an independent home-based income.
Urians are instructed to hold traditional Judeo-Christian social values, and taboos; yet emphasize equality and cooperation between men and women, and discourage cruelty and torture, as well as having a strong emphasis on environmentalism and animal rights. In this frame there are both conservative and liberal elements within Urianism; though it generally rejects and considers as evil, the current views of popular culture in regards to matters such as gay marriage and abortion.
The Urian nation state envisions a civil-driven free market economy, rather than an economy dominated by multi-national corporations. The proposed tax system is a bracketed fixed flat tax, dividing citizens into nine tax brackets, in which each bracket pays a specific and permanent set tax ranging from 5% up to as high as 35%. All tax would be income tax, that is to say, any money that one takes in, as income, is taxable, while money spent by businesses on worker payrolls is non-taxable.
The Urian nation state is envisioned as a theocracy, or mysticracy, but has socialist, democratic, and even chivalric-militaristic elements. This theocractic aspect would involve the formation of a religious council, to act as the "Conscience of the Nation," dealing with issues of morality, society, and social programs. The predominant structure is strongly democratic, yet term cycles are longer than in most democratic nations (7 to 10 years), and candidates will be held to a standard of merit and must be thoroughly vetted (investigated, questioning with lie detection, psychological evaluations, etc).
The Elyon emphasized a pluralistic theocratic model, with an ecumenical theocratic council. This was done away with in The Ahyeh, because it was concluded that the ideal was not pragmatically workable, and would only bring about sectarian strife and divide the nation.
The Urian country would be very fixated on the unification of science with spirituality, metaphysics, and even things considered paranormal; in that, Uriel --according to Urian priests, priestesses and scribes-- has mandated that Urians seek to take charge of their own genetic development and evolution (for all citizens equally) and strive to reach space and colonize other worlds, and even open interdimensional portals to travel the universe more easily and enter other planes of existence.
Cyborgism, or transhumanism, is forbidden in the Urian view, yet genetic medicine is embraced as a non-cyborg/non-mechanical path to human transcendence, with the goal of becoming homo-angelicus, or human angels.
It must be noted, that Urianism has an inherent distrust and disdain of genetic medicine developed by what it considers amoral militantly secularist scientists, concerned that they may seek to modify the human DNA with malicious intentions. Cruel animal testing is considered proof, by Urians, that many scientists are functional psychopaths.
There is a chivalric-militaristic and imperialistic aspect to the vision of the Urian country, conjuring images of holy knights and mystic priests, and the ideal of reaching out to the universe with a theme of unapologetic imperial grandeur and martial majesty; i.e, making life more than the mundane. With humorous irony, there are similarities between the Urian vision of the the future, and the Amarr of the popular video game, EVE Online.
External Links[]
OBSOLETE - The Elyon on YouTube
OBSOLETE - The Elyon on BitChute