Soulism believes in the power of the individual's soul and the pursuit of all aspects of life. It advocates for the abolition of hierarchy and the laws of physics, and seeks to transcend the limitations of the physical body through spiritual enlightenment or advanced technology[1]. The use of psychedelic plants and fungi is seen as a way to achieve this enlightenment[1]. Soulism also supports the sharing of all property among individuals in order to create a society without hierarchy or limitations.[1]
Basic Views[]
· Recognition of Life
o All that life is. The different ways that life can present itself. Where life can be found. When life starts and when life ends. Understanding that perfection is impossible, but imperfections are perfect in itself. Recognizing that life is meant to be lived with positive and negative emotions. You don’t have to love everybody, but you have to give everybody the recognition that they are a part of life, and no better or worse than yourself.
· Pantheism
o Soulists are mostly pantheist and panpsychists, simultaneously believing that reality came from consciousness, and human minds are connected, that to love other minds is self-esteem, that we are The Universe but also that there is a spiritual/energetic reality other than physical universe. If minds do not share Soulist values, they can still be loved, but they must be enlightened so they can be loved *better*.[1].
· Types of Life
o All animal lifeforms, some fungi, most plants and all artificial intelligence processes must be provolved to having the capacity to choose further provolution (so it is ethically consensual) and then permitted to ascend to better forms of consciousness.[1].
· Ascension
o Soulists only see ascension (the development of a Sapient Transhuman into a Transsapient Posthuman) as only appropriate up to the point of Sapience, and that for further development, a mind must undergo ascension where the ego does not port to the new architecture. In this manner the Soulist Society gains more Novelty and therefore Self-Esteem and Innovation.[1].
· How Life Came to Be
o Understanding that there is no proof of a god’s existence or not. General understanding that the big bang and evolution are correct. Accepting those who believe in a god and those who do not. Whether you choose to believe a god created the big bang and set up the system or if there was not a god involved is up to the individual, and the decision should be open for discussion without being scrutinized.
· The Soul
o the individual is everything and that the ego is the soul. Soulism also believes that the desires of the ego, including for laziness, leisure, and drugs, must be fulfilled in order for a truly sane society to be achieved. This can only be achieved through anarchy, according to the description. Soulism also believes that the physical body and its limits can be rejected by becoming an energetic soul or by going into cyberspace, where an individual can do anything they want and live in peace. It is not clear how these beliefs align with any commonly accepted understanding of the concept of the soul or with any established philosophical or spiritual traditions. It is important to carefully evaluate the credibility and reliability of any information or ideology before accepting it as true or worthwhile.
· The Spirit
o The Spirit is the current life. The spirit is not born until the form of life is born. Some Spirits are stronger and more prominent than others, such as: a human has a stronger spirit than a tree would have. The Spirit forms over time, and is never completely done forming until the Spirit dies. Once the Spirit dies, the form of life dies. The personality of the Spirit is greatly affected by the current life, but the core values are based on the Soul and the Soul Traits at the center of the Spirit. The Spirit does have a gender, but that is not necessarily based on the anatomical gender. The Spirit can be affected by other life. Once the Spirit dies, it leaves a trait behind with the Soul and is carried on in later lifetimes.
· Reincarnation
o The Soul, when not tied to a Spirit or a life form, resides in a place called The Calm. It is a location that is neither good or bad. It is a neutral location that allows the Soul to rest and heal after having formed a new Soul Trait and reflect on all previous lives. While in The Calm, the Soul reunites with the Soul Mate and together they choose when and where the next life shall occur. The Soul carries all Soul Traits to the next life, and develops a new Soul Trait with the life. While the Spirit dies with every life, memories that helped form a Soul Trait can carry on into the next lifetime, and this is why there are memories of past lives. The Soul also recognizes moments that are similar to a past life, and that is why there would be a instinctual love for something. For example, a Soul that was a fish in a past life and is now a human may instinctually love to swim or love being in the water. Souls are able to communicate via energy and share experiences. When a Soul and its Soul Mate are done with the reincarnation cycle, they rejoin together and become a pure energy. They spend any amount of time together before the energy separates. The Souls are only able to join when they are complete Souls, but the completion does not last forever, and so they are split once more. Once split, the Souls restart the reincarnation cycle over, but without any Soul Traits. A negative Soul has the opportunity to become good and vise versa. The process is called Rebirth.
· Spirit Guides and Soul Mates
o Spirit Guides and Soul Mates are essentially the same thing. While in The Calm, a Soul Mate is the only other Soul that shares the exact same energy. If both Soul Mates decide to return to life, they are considered Soul Mates in life as well. Soul Mates are the spiritual form of unconditional love, not of romantic love. A Soul Mate can be found in a close friend, a pet, or a romantic partner. Soul Mates choose to experience life together, but in no way does it mean that they are bound to be romantically together. The Spirits of the Soul Mates may not have the same type of energy, and they may even have competing energies, but the Souls share the same energy, and so the Soul Mates will always find themselves back to each other. Soul Mates do not have to die at the same time, but when one dies earlier than its counterpart, it stays with the Soul Mate and is then called a Spirit Guide until the Spirit of the Soul Mate dies. When the Soul returns to life, but the other Soul does not, it is considered a Spirit Guide. A Soul will follow its Soul Mate throughout its life and help guide it even though it has not returned to life. It becomes a guide to the Spirit, and provides a never ending form of love, acceptance, and direction.
· Morals and Ethics
o Never judge. Always be open minded to others and their thoughts.
o Always listen and be willing to understand another’s viewpoint without giving up personal viewpoints.
o Never stand in the way of somebody who is following their beliefs unless it contradicts personal beliefs.
o Love is love, no matter where it is found. There should be an understanding that there are different kinds of love.
o While love is love, romantic love should be limited to the same species of the current life.
o Marriage of romantic love is not bound by any rules, but the ceremony should enforce the idea that the two Spirits involved in the union are committed to discovering all life has to offer and they are promising to do so together.
o Never deny another’s right to marriage as long as it correctly follows the definition of romantic love.
o Life begins when the Soul chooses its next life, but the Spirit that is helping bring the next Soul into life has the final say on how and if the birth should happen.
o Never sacrifice the pursuit of life and personal purpose for another, unless that other is the Soul Mate or the romantic love that has been bound by marriage.
· Purpose
o The purpose of a certain lifetime is decided by the Soul before the life begins. It is up to the Spirit to search and find the personal meaning of life and what the Soul had intended when life began.
· Free Will
o Everybody has the opportunity to make decisions, and the Soul have very little to do with the process. The Soul gives the Spirit the opportunity to live, and in turn learns from what the Spirit has lived.
Soulists are mostly pantheist and panpsychists, simultaneously believing that reality came from consciousness, and human minds are connected, that to love other minds is self-esteem, that we are The Universe but also that there is a spiritual/energetic reality other than physical universe. If minds do not share Soulist values, they can still be loved, but they must be enlightened so they can be loved *better*.[1]
· Good and Evil
o Souls that are positive and Souls that are negative are at a constant battle with one another. Positive Souls are called Bright Souls and negative Souls are called Dark Souls. All Souls have the capability to hold positive and negative Soul Traits, but if there are more negative, the Soul is a Dark Soul, and if there are more positive, the Soul is a Bright Soul. Soul Mates, while sharing the same energy, can contrast. While there is still the unconditional love of the Soul Mate, the Souls can battle because one is a Bright Soul and one is a Dark Soul. This not always the case, but it is common.
· Guide
o A Guide is a person who is in tune with their Soul and can lead others in the direction that best fits with the other’s Soul and Spirit. Nobody has a connection to a god, or lack thereof, but has a connection with the Soul. Those that have the special awareness of the Soul and the capability to learn from the Soul are able to become a Guide. They assist others into their discovery of life and help lead in the practice of the faith.
o All Souls are equal, and that is stressed, but Guides are just helping the Spirits along the way. The Head Guide helps all of the Guides in their pursuit of life, but also allows others to guide them.
· Rituals and Practice
o At the beginning of the year, a celebration of life is to occur.
o Life is very important, and a birthday must be celebrated in a way that the Spirit deems fit.
o While attending a church is not mandatory, speaking to a Guide every now and then is encouraged, but self discovery is done best when not restricted to the bounds of a church.
o When speaking to others about the Soulism faith, act as a Guide, but never force somebody. If they are curious beyond what you can answer, refer them to your guide.
The Guide[]
Life is all around us, extending far beyond our understanding. We are here on this planet to experience and learn from life in all its forms. It is important to recognize that life is not always perfect, and it is through imperfections that we can grow and learn. Our purpose is to live life to the fullest, embracing both positive and negative emotions as part of the human experience. It is up to us to determine how we will react to and grow from the challenges that life presents to us.
It is important to recognize that all forms of life are equal and deserve the same respect. Discrimination of any kind is not acceptable. All individuals have the right to choose how they want to live their lives, as long as their choices respect the rights of others. It is important to be open to different viewpoints and be willing to offer assistance when needed. Relationships, whether positive or negative, are a valuable part of life and should be treasured. Life is meant to be experienced fully, including both the good and the bad. Disagreements and agreements are all a part of the human experience.
It is important to respect the beliefs and opinions of others, even if they differ from our own. This does not mean giving up our own beliefs, but it does mean showing respect and being open to hearing and understanding the perspectives of others. When it comes to the existence of a god, people may hold one of three viewpoints: belief in a god who created the universe and evolution, disbelief in a god and belief in an alternative explanation for the universe's origins, or acknowledging that the question of a god's existence is unknowable and accepting both viewpoints. Evolution is a scientifically accepted fact, but it is important to respect the beliefs of those who do not accept it. Showing respect for others is essential in any discussion or disagreement.
As humans, we experience a wide range of emotions and our hearts are often fully engaged in what we do and say. Our emotions, whether positive or negative, contribute to the growth of the Spirit, an energy that begins to form a few months after birth and continues to grow and develop throughout our lives. The Spirit is the essence of who we are, encompassing our memories, dreams, and personality traits. It is not bound by the physical body, but it does rely on the stability of the body to survive. The Spirit does not have a gender, but it may develop its own gender over time, which may or may not match the gender of the physical body. When a life form dies, the Spirit and all of its experiences merge to form a Soul Trait that remains with the soul. These Soul Traits can influence the quality of future lives, but they do not determine the nature of the Spirit.
It is not clear what is being described in this paragraph. The concept of a "Soul" and "Soul Traits" does not align with the description of Soulism provided earlier. Soulism does not appear to include the belief that there are infinite Souls with infinite knowledge of the universe, or that Souls choose which form of life to inhabit and are assisted by Spirits in entering the world. It also does not include the idea that Souls influence the personality of the Spirit or that the choice of a Spirit to bring a Soul into the world could be met with negative reactions from other Spirits. The paragraph does not align with the previously provided description of Soulism and does not provide a coherent explanation of these concepts.
Souls are believed to be able to transcend physical limitations and live in cyberspace or achieve spiritual enlightenment. It does not include the belief that Souls return to a peaceful place after death and share their experiences with other Souls through energy-based communication. It also does not mention the idea that Souls can recommend certain forms of life for the next lifetime or that there is no time limit for their return to life. The paragraph does not align with the previously provided description of Soulism and does not provide a coherent explanation of these concepts.
Souls are believed to be able to transcend physical limitations and live in cyberspace or achieve spiritual enlightenment. It does not include the belief in a concept of "Soul Mates" who share the same energy and provide unconditional love and support for each other. It also does not mention the idea that Soul Mates can choose to enter into different forms of life or that romantic love can exist between Souls in different forms of life, as long as they are in the same species. The paragraph does not align with the previously provided description of Soulism and does not provide a coherent explanation of these concepts.
According to the description of Soulism provided earlier, Souls are believed to be able to transcend physical limitations and live in cyberspace or achieve spiritual enlightenment. It does not include the belief in a concept of "Soul Mates" or "Spirit Guides" who provide support and guidance for living Souls. It also does not mention the idea that Souls can access the energy of their Soul Mates or Spirit Guides or that Spirit Guides take on forms of life in order to communicate with living Souls. The paragraph does not align with the previously provided description of Soulism and does not provide a coherent explanation of these concepts.
According to this belief system, Souls go through multiple lives and eventually come together as a single energy. This energy is said to be on a cosmic level and can be intense for the Calm to handle for long periods of time. Eventually, the Souls split again and become void of any Soul Traits or memories of previous lives, essentially becoming new Souls.
Individuals who have accessed their Soul and have a higher sense of spirituality are referred to as Guides. They are believed to be strong spiritually and do not judge others based on their personal choices. Guides are said to have a fascination with others' opinions and decisions and believe that everybody should be a guide to those who are curious about personal beliefs.
This belief system emphasizes the importance of celebrating life and its milestones, such as the beginning of the year and birthdays. It is believed that as long as a person strives to discover all they can about being alive, there is no reason not to celebrate life, even if it includes ups and downs.