
Projectionism is a religion with no churches.

Reality is not physical. It is an illusion that is constantly being generated by The Supreme Being. Whom some call God.

Reality is Existence. And Existence has always existed. There has always been something rather than nothing. The Something that exists is eternally conscious. Existence comes from The Supreme Being and The Supreme Being comes from Existence. The Supreme Being is the conscious element of Existence.

The Supreme Being is therefore the primary principle of Existence.

All that exists is a property of The Supreme Being. And that which exists is called The Projection. The Projection is an illusion. It’s continued existence is contingent on the will of God. It is like an illusion. None of it is physical. It is continually created by a more ultimate layer of existence, none of it exists in its own right. The Supreme Being constantly creates multiple realities. The one we occupy is only one of many.

The Projection is conscious and superintends its own affairs in a way that is independent from The Supreme Being.

There are then those who experience reality – consciousness. There is only one universal consciousness but that is divided into a great many minds. It is therefore fragmented. Each human mind is a fragment of the Great Consciousness. And after death each mind will merge with the Great Consciousness. It will lose its individuality but will become a part of something much greater. When an individual comes into being their individual spiritual essence is derived from the Great Consciousness.

The various fragments of The Great Consciousness animate Existence. With nobody to experience it it would remain hypothetical rather than real. The Projection is only real because it is experienced by real beings.

Reality therefore has three tiers. That which causes that which exists, that which exists, and that which experiences existence.

If one of these tiers exists then the other two must too. We know that we experience things. Therefore there must be something to experience. And if something exists  then it must have a cause, unless it is a self-existent entity like Reality.

Our existence is very much like the existence of the men in Plato’s Allegory of The Cave. According to Wikipedia:

…a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners' reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world. The shadows represent the fragment of reality that we can normally perceive through our senses, while the objects under the sun represent the true forms of objects that we can only perceive through reason.

Similarly, humans cannot see out of our own minds and we cannot see what is behind The Projection.

I used to believe that The Projection was literally a computer simulation, built by advanced beings. I no longer believe this although it is a good metaphor as The Projection is like a computer simulation in that it is produced by something that is more solidly real than it itself is.

A being who experiences The Projection is said to inhabit it, to be within it. Until they die.

I believe that throughout history the superintends elements of The Projection have inspired and communicated with beings who inhabit The Projectionism. I believe that The Projection communicates with me and that it wants me to spread the word, as to the true nature of reality.

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