We want our chat to be a friendly and fun place, yet in order for it to be so, we have enacted this chat policy
- Be polite. Observe the golden rule and treat others the way you wish to be treated. No one wants to feel like they're being mistreated. Always remember that the person you are speaking to is a real person, so treat people as you would if you were speaking face to face.
- Be civil.This goes beyond being polite. This speaks to what kind of behavior and content is appropriate for chat. You should not be abusive to anyone. Insults are not welcome. Comments that contain homophobia, ethnic and racial slurs, religious intolerance, political intolerance, or any other form of prejudice are not acceptable. Profanity is frowned upon but not completely disallowed, provided it is not directed as an insult or abuse towards others.
- Be welcoming. Joining a new wiki can be very intimidating. If someone is new, make sure you're there to be a friendly and helpful voice so they can navigate their first days on the wiki. This same courtesy should be extended to older users too, because no one should feel like other users don't want them around.
- Keep things moving. If no one is talking in the chat, don't gripe about it. Do something about it! Feel free to start new conversations if old ones are dying down in order to keep the chat fun and interesting for everybody.
- Don't disrupt/spam the chat. Disruption is when your behavior starts to affect other people and the ability for them to talk in the chat room. This includes, but is not limited to, typing gibberish, talking in ALL CAPS, or typing each word of a sentence in a new line. This is also known as spam, and it can hurt people's enjoyment of the chat room and should not be done.