Part of a series on
Earthseed Roots

Parable of the Sower
Parable of the Talents
Book of the Living


"God is Change"


Astronism, Evolutionism, Netism, Solseed, Terasem, Turing Church

Earthseed is a religion based on the life and teachings of Lauren Oya Olamina, a fictional character created by author Octavia E Butler. The religion is articulated by the novels Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents. A third book of the trilogy, Parable of the Trickster was announced by never finished before Butler's death. An adherent of Earthseed is called an Earthseed Shaper.

Earthseed Shapers believe that God is change. Humans are meant to shape God through their own change. The destiny of humanity, according to Earthseed Shapers, is to take root among the stars.


According to Earthseed Shapers, God is change. This makes it one of the few syntheist religions that currently exist. According to syntheist theology, humans are creating God through their changes. This is essentially what Earthseed teaches, and is a variant of pantheism, atheism and transtheism.

Sacred scripture[]

Octavia E Butler wrote two books which contain scripture from Lauren Oya Olamina. In the books Lauren lives in a dystopian sci-fi society. She was raised from a Baptist father that negated her parent's advice and developed her own concepts from syntheist theology. Her theological premise is basic and has been developed further by others since Butler's death.

The Book of the Living contains extracts from both books that deal specifically with Lauren's religion.


Earthseed Main Website