Deistology Symbol

Symbol of Deistology

Deistology is a movement and studying field that seeks to study gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms by technodeism and scientific deism, where technodeism is the belief that it's possible to find gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life by technology, and scientific deism is the belief it's possible to find gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms by science itself. Deistology is the union of both, technodeism and scientific deism.

Deistology seeks to develop technologies and methods to enable to find extraphysical life forms, such as SETI do the same for find extraterrestrial intelligence. The main reason that deistology wants to search for extraphysical life and extraphysical intelligence, such as gods and spiritual beings, is because science itself is becoming more and more materialist and reducing all spirituality and similars into simply psychological tricks and creation of the people's minds, so deistology seeks to change it, even if it might take years or even decades until it become in practice.

Deistology do not only seeks to study extraphysical life forms, but it also seeks to study extraphysics, multiverses and other dimensions since they are about help with the search for extraphysical life forms. Deistology also advocates the development of technologies that are going to help to find extraphysics, multiverses and other dimensions as well, such as the development of other studying fields that are going to help to the search for extraphysical life forms, such as deistography, that's the area responsible to study and give descriptions to gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms, working together with deistology as well.

Currently, deistology is still under construction and it's considered as a religious (deist) movement and it has just a few recognition as a studying field by scientific community itself, even there are several scientists and theologians who actually support the development of deistology as a studying field but with nothing really scientific on that, since the search for extraphysical life forms might be considered as non-scientific such as the search for extraterrestrial life on SETI.

Deistology does not has a lot of beliefs, just the belief that it's possible to find gods, spiritual beings and other extraphysical life forms by technology and science, similar to what happens on SETI with extraterrestrial intelligence, and beliefs on extraphysics, metaphysics, multiverses and other dimensions, since those areas are helpful on the search for extraphysical life forms as well. Deistology can be part of study of any religion, since the religion has beliefs on gods, spiritual beings and extraphysical life forms, such as beliefs on extraphysics, metaphysics, multiverses and other dimensions.

Deistology also has it's agnostic counterpart, that's called agnosticology, that's also about the search for gods, spiritual beings and other extraphysical life forms, but without connection with any religion and using technoagnosticism and scientific agnosticism instead of technodeism and scientific deism. Agnosticology seeks only to search for extraphysical life forms and only working with the possible discoveries related to the agnostic search for extraphysical life forms. Agnosticology also has its part related to the description of them, that's called as agnosticography. Deistology and agnosticology actually have the same way of search and goals but with different methodology and beliefs.