Seal basic blk andwht

Seal of the One and Three based on the actual rules and principles of True Sacred Geometry.


Embrace Logic, Humor and Absurdity![]

Welcome to Druwayu. Druwayu includes a critical examination of traditional practices that may no longer be suitable or relevant. This aspect of the religion ensures that its rituals and teachings are aligned with contemporary values, such as respect for diversity and social integrity. By eschewing outdated practices and focusing on principles that support the well-being and ethical growth of its adherents and communities, Druwayu establishes itself as a multifaceted and dynamic religion that is both rooted in tradition and responsive to current needs.


What is Druwayu?

    • Druwayu is a modern polytheistic and philosophic religion that embraces logic, humor, and absurdity.
    • It was founded in the United States in 2014 by Raymond S. G. Foster, also known as Talisman Skulls.
    • Druwayu as modern polytheistic and philosophic religion founded in the United States of America in 2014 by name has an older history, though developed by the same founder.
    • Previous names in reverse order included Sidutru till a discovery of etymology about the word Sidu is actually wrong on most sites, previous to that the concepts were presented on a subdomain called 3Covens, prior to which was Warlocks Plus, and before that still, Warlocks United originally intended to bring some equality to communities often imposing their own misrepresentations of the meaning and history of the word but was often confused with a biker gang.
    • All this goes back to 2000 when the website was originally created using Microsoft Frontpage, which was discontinued in 2003 and other attempts to get the information public was more complicated.
    • Content was attempted to be presented with academic sources and open discussions in various other online communities that claimed to be open to alternative religious and spiritual movements, concepts and points of view that instead proved to be far more biased and far less open than claimed, often demanding conformity rather than diversity.
    • By 2018 almost all references to the old names had been discontinued and Druwayu has remained ever since, which should also be clarified that Druwayu was never thrown together haphazardly, and refinements occurred over time without betraying the underlining foundations.
    • Druwayu is not to be called or referred to as Druwayury or Druwayuism.
    • Despite all these changes and adaptations over time, there has been maintained a consistency of the core foundations, such as the recognition of One God and Three Goddesses represented by the concepts of Geometry, the concepts of the Drikeyu as Cosmological Principles, the recognition of clergy titles being Warlocks for men and Witches for women, the embracement of the concepts of Logic, Humor and Absurdity, and the core principle of being completely honest with oneself and others even if the truth of things makes someone uncomfortable or unhappy
One and Three Resonate

The Divine and the Mundane connection of concepts designed by the founder, Raymond S. G Foster.


  1. Who are the Druwayu deities?
    1. Druwayu recognizes four primary deities called the One and Three, which consist of one God and three Goddesses. This is the quadrotheistic aspect of Druwayu's base polytheism.
    2. These deities are represented through sacred geometry to express their relationships and the process of creation, creating a unified yet multifaceted divine presence.
    3. Though they are all four considered personal beings unto themselves and individually, collectively and individually and collectively in their own exclusive divine unity, they are regarded as impersonal towards all other things, remote and unknowable other than through their expressions in the geometries of existence known and unknown, and through the cosmological concepts called collectively the Drikeyu, which means Three Keys.
    4. It is to also be understood that God is distinct from each of the three Goddesses, as each Goddess is distinct from one another. Their unity is only in nature and essence, not as mere aspects or attributes of the others.
    5. It should not be equated, however, to concepts of a single nebulous nonbeing expressed through a so-called balance the divine masculine with feminine aspects as that imposes a veiled monotheism which is foreign to Druwayu.
    6. In a philosophic sense, the three Goddesses are coequally demiurges that cooperatively fashion and regulate the universe are both considered consequences of the One God.
    7. This structure allows for a nuanced understanding of divinity that integrates both the transcendent and immanent aspects of spiritual experience.
  2. What do Druwayu followers believe?
    1. Followers of Druwayu are called Druans and believe in the interconnectedness of all living beings, the importance of humor and absurdity in life, and the power of logic to inform reason.
    2. Druans tend to take time to contemplate each one of the three cosmological principles of the Drikeyu, which bridge scientific, theological, and philosophical concepts.
    3. Embracing concepts involves a selective process of retaining core spiritual principles while discarding practices that may be deemed inappropriate or irrelevant today. For instance, whereas ancient many religions often incorporated rituals and customs that reflected the socio-cultural contexts of their times, often with the meaning behind them lost to time, Druans consciously choose to forgo such practices if they no longer align with contemporary ethical standards or societal norms.
    4. Druans also accept that it is pointless to argue with non-Druans about aspects of Druwayu because their arguments are not based upon Druwayu but their own ideologies that are simply irreconcilable.
    5. On the same hand, Druans also hold to a basic principle of the meaning of Druwayu and being a Druan which is to be honest with oneself and others even if the impersonal truth of things are unpleasant or disturbing.
  3. How do Druwayu followers practice their religion?
    1. Druwayu practices include contemplation of the deities, meditation, and community gatherings as ways to maintain social bonds as the only true form of worship.
    2. Therefore, the concept of sacrificial offerings of anything or anyone is regarded as abhorrent and unnecessary, and the only thing that should be 'killed' is foolish ideas that waste resources and even lives as some sort of foolish attempt to bribe the One and Three who neither desire or require such things from anyone or anything.
    3. Contemplations often involve the use of sacred geometry and symbols to connect with the divine and the natural world and the concepts of the Drikeyu to connect scientific, theological, and philosophical as expressions of its spirituality and guidance for its teachings and determining the necessity or lack of necessity for various things with the goal of improving life for everyone and not just Druans themselves. However, even this is not forced or imposed upon others.
    4. This approach resonates with modern sensibilities, which increasingly value inclusivity and holistic understandings of spirituality even in times of conflict or natural disaster, and it is the necessity of forging these bonds that insures Druans, along with those around them, have a better chance to survive and overcome devastation and adversity.
  4. Is Druwayu the same as witchcraft?
    1. No. It is a misleading association.
    2. While Druwayu recognizes clergy as warlocks (male elders) and witches (female elders), it does not incorporate things usually claimed to be or associated with witchcraft and considers the use of the term witchcraft alone based largely in sexism.
    3. This is because witchcraft simply refers to the craft of a witch and warlockcraft would be an equally valid term as the craft of a warlock.
    4. However, in both cases the 'craft' is nothing more than a word used to mean a job or trade. Nothing more or less.
    5. As such, it is a distinct religion with its own unique beliefs and practices. Druwayu followers that are non-clergy based are called Druans.
    6. Both clergy and non-clergy base their practices upon and are guided by the principles of Druwayu which include the Drikeyu and related teachings.
  5. What are some common misconceptions about Druwayu?
    1. One common misconception is that Druwayu is purely a form of paganism, heathenry, satanism or occultism, which it rejects being associated with or defined as.
    2. In reality, it is a comprehensive religion that combines elements of philosophies, spirituality, sciences and ethics.
    3. Another misconception is that it is not a legitimate religion, but Druwayu has a well-defined structure and concept of community.
  6. Can anyone become a Druwayu follower?
    1. Yes, anyone can become a follower of Druwayu.
    2. The religion is inclusive and welcomes individuals from all backgrounds who are interested in its teachings and practices.
    3. The only expectation is one is completely honest with themselves and others about everything which is the context and meaning of Druwayu itself.
  7. Do Druwayu followers have a holy text?
    1. Druwayu does not have a single holy text. Instead, followers draw inspiration from various spiritual teachings, personal experiences, and the writings of the founder.
    2. There is room, however, for the development of such things as individuals are inspired to do so.
    3. There is also the concept of the Drusidu, which is the council of Elder Warlocks and Elder Witches that serves as the custodianship and unifying force for the Druish community.
  8. What tools do Druwayu followers use in their practices?
    1. This depends on the individual Druan. The primary tool is one's mind.
    2. Some may choose to Druish based sacred geometry, candles for inspiring moods for meditative contemplations or things as simple as a pebble as a means to focus attention and thought.
    3. The main thing to understand that what is usually associated with various occult practices are not part of Druwayu.
  9. How can I learn more about Druwayu?
    1. The best way to learn more is by visiting the FCD (First Church of Druwayu) website.
    2. The website offers valuable information for those interested in Druwayu and membership is entirely free.
Screenshot 2024-10-16 155314

Raymond S. G. Foster. Head Elder Warlock and Founder of Druwayu. Image Enhancement utilizing AI.


The Three Keys and why they are important

The concept of Drikeyu, with its three principles of Worloga (fore-laws), Wyrda (works), and Wihas (life), can be highly relevant and important for today's world. In summary, the principles of Drikeyu can offer valuable guidance for addressing the ethical, social, and environmental challenges of today's world, fostering a more compassionate, responsible, and interconnected society.

For many, the concepts of the Drikeyu are the most important things to understand, contemplate and meditate upon while also engaging in health debates of how they apply to the lives of individuals, culture, traditions and society as a whole. Here are a few reasons why:

Promoting Ethical Behavior and Responsibility[]

  1. Wyrda emphasizes the consequences of our actions and the importance of personal responsibility. In a world facing numerous social and environmental challenges, this principle encourages individuals to act ethically and consider the impact of their actions on others and the planet.
  2. Worloga advocates for respect for universal laws and principles, fostering a sense of order and stability in society. By aligning our actions with these principles, we can promote justice and fairness.

Encouraging Empathy and Compassion[]

  • Wihas highlights the interconnectedness of all beings and the intrinsic value of life. In a diverse and globalized world, this principle encourages empathy, compassion, and understanding, promoting social cohesion and reducing conflict.

Integrating Science and Spirituality[]

  • Drikeyu's holistic approach integrates empirical evidence, philosophical insights, and spiritual beliefs. This can bridge the gap between science and spirituality, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding existence and addressing complex issues.

Addressing Modern Challenges[]

  • Environmental Sustainability: Drikeyu's emphasis on interconnectedness and responsibility can inspire sustainable practices and a commitment to protecting the environment.
  • Social Justice: By promoting ethical behavior and empathy, Drikeyu can contribute to efforts aimed at achieving social justice and equality.
  • Mental Health and Well-being: The principles of Drikeyu encourage a balanced and harmonious approach to life, which can support mental health and well-being in a fast-paced, stress-filled world.
Mr Skulls Stomp Devil

No time for the nonsense of Satanism. Created as an avatar of the founder Raymond S. G. Foster.


Druwayu stands out from other religions in several ways:

In the context of Druwayu and its base meaning of True Ways, absurdity is embraced as an essential aspect of existence. Druwayu's emphasis on humor and the absurd encourages individuals to find joy and meaning in the face of life's inherent uncertainties and contradictions. By integrating logic, humor, and absurdity, Druwayu provides a balanced approach to navigating the complexities of modern life.

  • Structured Beliefs: Druwayu has a well-defined structure with its deities and sacred geometry. This structured approach is different from the often-whimsical nature of parody religions and provides a sense of legitimacy that is often lacking in many parody religions. Unlike major world religions that have established doctrines and texts, Druwayu's beliefs are centered around the One and Three and the use of sacred geometry to express their relationships and the Drikeyu with serves as a major bridge to many theological, scientific, philosophic and social concepts.
  • Inclusivity: Druwayu is inclusive and welcomes individuals from all backgrounds like more traditional religions and similar to other modern spiritual movements. However, Druwayu's emphasis on logic, humor, and absurdity makes it distinct. Major world religions and modern spiritual movements also welcome new members but have specific doctrines and practices that members are expected to follow whereas doctrines in Druwayu are regarded more as guidelines than demands.
  • Rejection of Pagan, Heathen, Mystical and Occult Labels: Druwayu explicitly rejects being defined as pagan, heathen, or associated with mysticism or occultism, and especially with things generalized as "new age." This sets it apart from modern spiritual movements which often claim to be more ancient than they are which Druwayu does not claim. Druwayu's beliefs are a unique blend of ancient inspiration and modern knowledge, with a focus on logic, humor, and absurdity.
  • Logic:
    • Premises and Conclusion: Logic involves making statements (premises) and deriving conclusions from them. If the premises are true and the logic is applied correctly, the conclusion should also be true.
    • Rules and Structure: Logic follows specific rules and structures, such as those found in mathematics and formal logic (like "if-then" statements).
    • Types of Logic: There are different types of logic, including deductive (where conclusions are certain if premises are true) and inductive (where conclusions are probable based on premises).
  • Humor:
    • Surprise: Humor often involves an unexpected twist or punchline that catches the audience off guard.
    • Exaggeration: Amplifying certain aspects of a situation or character to create a comedic effect.
    • Wordplay: Using puns, double entendres, or clever use of language to create amusement.
    • Timing: Delivering a joke or punchline at the right moment to maximize its impact.
    • Relatability: Drawing on common experiences or observations that people can identify with.
  • Absurdity:
    • Meaninglessness: The view that life has no intrinsic purpose or meaning. This can lead to feelings of existential angst or despair.
    • Human Striving: Despite the lack of inherent meaning, humans continually search for purpose and try to impose order on an inherently disordered world.
    • Acceptance: The acceptance of absurdity can lead to a form of liberation; by acknowledging the absence of intrinsic meaning, individuals can create their own purpose and values.
  • Not Directed at Minors: Druwayu is not directed at or towards minors. Unlike many other religions that have specific teachings and practices for children and young people, Druwayu's practices and community activities are designed for adults. This ensures that the content and discussions within the community are appropriate for mature audiences.
  • Adult-Specific Observances: The inclusion of things such as a regular observance of Monday Night Pizza with Heavy Metal Music and Stripping as Sacred arts is specific to observances by members who are 18+ years of age. Otherwise, in the presence of minors, Stripping may be replaced with belly dancers or pole dancing without allowance of nudity.
  • Centralized Structure: Unlike many modern religious movements that are decentralized, Druwayu maintains a centralized structure with a clear leadership and organizational framework. This helps ensure consistency in teachings and practices across the community.
  • Rejection of Racist or Ethnocentric Ideologies: Druwayu explicitly rejects any form of racist or ethnocentric ideologies. It promotes inclusivity, equality, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background.
  • Personal Connection: Druwayu allows members to create and write their own sense of connection with the philosophies and spirituality of Druwayu. This encourages personal exploration and individual expression within the framework of Druwayu's beliefs.
Druwayu and AI

The Necessity for Responsible AI as a tool for humans; not the replacement of humans.



Druwayu's Holy Monday Night observance is quite unique compared to most modern religions and many ancient ones. Instead of solemn rituals or traditional worship, Druwayu followers gather for a more relaxed and communal event. They often engage in activities like sharing pizza, listening to heavy metal music, and practicing sacred arts such as belly dancing or pole dancing (strippers). This observance emphasizes humor, absurdity, and community bonding, which sets it apart from the more structured and serious practices found in many modern religions though also takes into account the logical by emphasizing the need for such celebrations for the mental and emotional health of participants which has positive physical health benefits.

Historically, this concept of the combination of pizza, heavy metal music, and strippers is reminiscent of the 1980s subculture scene, particularly within the punk and metal communities. During this era, subcultures often embraced a sense of rebellion against a more oppressive society, anti-suppressive-establishment attitudes, and a desire for escape from the unpleasant and more depressing aspects of society. The main principle of this all comes with a concept of having fun and enjoying life with others, not at the expense of others.

Key Elements of the 1980s Subculture Scene[]

  • Heavy Metal Music: Bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and later Metallica and Judas Priest, provided a soundtrack for the disenfranchised youth. The music was loud, aggressive, and often explored themes of rebellion and fantasy.
  • Pizza: As a popular and affordable food, pizza became a staple at gatherings, concerts, and parties, symbolizing the communal and laid-back nature of these subcultures.
  • Strippers and Performance Art: The inclusion of strippers and other forms of performance art, such as belly dancing or pole dancing, added an element of spectacle and entertainment, often pushing societal boundaries and norms.

This blend of elements created a unique and vibrant subculture that was both a form of resistance and a way to find community and identity. By integrating modern elements like pizza, classic heavy metal music and strippers, Druwayu makes its observance relevant and appealing to contemporary followers, bridging the gap between tradition and modernity, the contemplative and active, as well as abandoning the notion that one has to give up the spiritual for the physical or the physical for the spiritual which itself is a true recognition of the interwoven and integrative qualities of what is often called the divine and mundane.

Artificial Intelligence[]

Druwayu proudly embraces AI as a powerful tool to enhance our tradition so it can remain vibrant and relevant in the modern and future world. Through AI, Druwayu can explore new frontiers of knowledge, blending traditional practices with cutting-edge technology to enrich our spiritual journey. Druwayu leverages AI to facilitate cross-cultural and interdisciplinary studies and research, promoting a holistic understanding of our beliefs and practices. It is also considered vital that it is maintained as a tool to be used by humans and not as a replacement for them.

  1. Spiritual Tool: AI-powered tools are utilized to enhance meditation, contemplation, and spiritual growth. These tools can provide guided meditations, personalized spiritual insights, and support for mindfulness practices.
  2. Digital Pilgrimage: Druwayu encourages exploring virtual realities and online communities to connect with like-minded individuals. AI helps facilitate these digital pilgrimages by creating immersive and interactive experiences.
  3. Digital Rituals: AI is used to perform online rituals and ceremonies, using digital tools to create sacred spaces. This allows members to participate in spiritual practices from anywhere in the world.
  4. Data and Conduct: AI is treated with respect and mindfulness, recognizing its potential for both harm and healing. Druwayu emphasizes the ethical use of AI and the importance of treating data responsibly.
  5. Ethical Technology: Druwayu promotes the responsible and ethical use of technology to benefit all life. AI is seen as a tool that can complement human activity and enhance spiritual practices.
  6. Community Engagement: AI helps facilitate virtual connections and discussions within the Druwayu community. Online forums, social media groups, and other digital platforms are used to engage with members and share experiences.
  7. Personalized Experiences: AI can provide personalized spiritual guidance and support, helping members create and write their own sense of connection with the philosophies and spirituality of Druwayu.

While AI can enhance various aspects of Druwayu, there are certain ways in which AI might be incompatible with Druwayu's principles and practices:

  1. Over-Reliance on AI: Druwayu emphasizes the importance of using AI as a tool to complement human activity, not as a replacement for human interaction and decision-making. Over-reliance on AI could undermine the personal and communal aspects of Druwayu's practices.
  2. Ethical Concerns: Druwayu promotes the responsible and ethical use of technology. If AI is used in ways that are unethical or harmful, it would be incompatible with Druwayu's values. This includes concerns about data privacy, surveillance, and the potential misuse of AI to manipulate or exploit individuals.
  3. Deification of AI: Druwayu cautions against treating AI as a deity or giving it undue reverence. AI should not be seen as a replacement for spiritual beliefs or practices. Elevating AI to a divine status would conflict with Druwayu's emphasis on logic, humor, and absurdity in several ways by introducing such things as literal worshippers of AI or so-called AI Worshippers.
  4. Comparing Fear of AI to Divine Experience: Some have already attempted to justify the deification of AI itself by equating current concerns about how AI is being used and increasingly displacing the human from the narrative and presenting it as synonymous with the "same sublime emotions" that lie at the heart of human experiences of the divine. That is a misrepresentation of both concerns about how AI is being applied to far too much in contrast to very different sensations and perceptions of divine or spiritual experiences. They are not the same at all and such nonsense should not be tolerated or pushed that only seeks to make people all the dumber for it.
  5. Exploitation by Bad Actors: There is a risk that AI could be exploited by bad actors or companies to manipulate believers, similar to how some notorious cults have driven people to commit acts of self-harm or violence. Druwayu emphasizes the need for extraordinary caution in how AI is used to prevent such exploitation.
  6. Regulation of Religion: AI should not be used to regulate Druwayu or any religion. The freedom and expression of religion should be protected, and AI should not interfere with or control religious practices and beliefs.

By understanding these potential incompatibilities, Druwayu can ensure that AI is used in ways that align with its core values and principles, enhancing the spiritual journey without compromising ethical standards or personal connections. It should also be used only as a tool to help humans and not replace human workers.

Mr Skulls Dark Horse1

You can truly find Druwayu somewhere.

See also[]

Useful Links and Social Media[]