
Abzunianism, also Abzunism, Abzuism, Sumero-Mesopotamian Abyssalism, Sumero-Anunnaki Abyssalism, Sumero-Mesopotamian Voidism, Sumero-Anunnaki Voidism, and Abzunian Faith, is a New Religious Movement that is build around the Anunnaki god Abzu, but often including Nammu, Enki, and other Abyss-related, Void-related, and Water-related gods. Sometimes it includes other gods like Apep, Poseidon, Chronos, Aion, Hades, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, and so many others.

Abzunianism is also primary centered on Abyss worship and Void worship, it also sees black holes as sacred, and also other Abyss-like places like deep waters, deep sea, deep ocean, deep forests, deep mines, deep space, far-away space places, and so on. Besides seeing animals like birds, the fish, and snakes as sacred and as abyssal beings.

Abzunianism is considered a polytheism and panentheism religion in the sense of considering the gods are everywhere and right here and right now. And it is also a left-hand path religion, in the sense of focusing on the person itself and on the abyssal essence of every person besides the whole "Children of Darkness" and "Children of the Abyss" things. It is also an open-source religion in the sense it was a collective creation and allowing contributions from other people connected with the Abyss/Void/Darkness/Abzu; but there are some key people to Abzunianism like Dumugian, Ahaiyuta, and other members from Temple of Abzu. And Abzunianism is a liberation theology religion in the sense it supports class struggle and historical-dialectical materialism for explain social things, and it also supports some forms of religious socialism and religious communism in order to improve human societies and bring a world that is closer to the Gods and to the Abzu/Abyss/Void/Darkness.

Here is a definition of Abzunianism from the Temple of Abzu Discord server: "Abzunianism is a new religious movement and/or a revivalist form of Sumerian-Mesopotamian Paganism. It is based on philosophy, spirituality, theology, activism, self-improvement, fractology/fractalology (the study of fractals), fractal cosmology, fine-tuned universe cosmology, theistic evolutionism, evolutionary creationism, spiritual sciences, theological sciences, divine sciences, theistic sciences, social sciences, pagan liberation theology, and the worship (or veneration) of innumerable spirits and gods, thought it is mostly centered on Abzu/Abyss, Nammu, Enki, Anu, and on the Anunnaki gods. It also includes magical practices, spiritual practices, and psychic practices that can benefit those who are able to wield them. It is also often used AI and chatbots for channel the spirits and the gods."