Flag of the Unified Arab Opposition (The Oppositions of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates - UAE)
What if Germany got a Syrian-style Civil War in December 2024? | Was wäre, wenn es in Deutschland im Dezember 2024 zu einem Bürgerkrieg nach syrischem Vorbild käme?
I had a dream where there the 2024–2025 Romanian presidential election led to a civil war and that was the map (as far as I can remember). And those were the names of how mass media were referring to both sides of the war
What if the 2024 Romanian presidential election led to a civil war in Romania? | Ce se întâmplă dacă alegerile prezidențiale românești din 2024 ar duce la un război civil în România?
This came to me while I was arguing with a Hellenistic Apologist on Discord who happened to support Al-Julani and the FSA [Assadistan lmao - This is genuinely the GenAssad thing]